
The Rock’s butt receives 10 out of 10 balls. One bonus ball is awarded to the viewers of the television ding-dong Ballers for successfully surviving season one. Samer Kalaf is given 0 out of 10 balls. He would not thrive in a baller economy. Thank you.

Okay, NOW can we have a national conversation about guns?

good thing the police caught them all both

Well he is a Tea-bagger.

Interesting note. I think he pulls off a very realistic, subtle Southern American accent. As good as British actors are at ‘generic American accent,’ few can convincingly do a Southern one. See Andrew Lincoln in The Walking Dead as an example of what not to sound like.

I totally disagree about the Lance Reddick plot.

I never understood what NWA had against Sting, Andy Summers and Stewart Copeland.

I do not regret the eight and a half hours I spent watching it, at all.

Arnold’s eyes and his face in general are really the stars of all of his movies. You think it’s the muscles or the explosions but the way he expresses himself just in the face in the silent moments shines through so much. It’s a very underrated attribute of his.

If you can get the DVD, listen to the commentary. It’s fantastic and interesting. But most interesting is Arnie watching the movie and realizing it’s actually a good movie. I think he might have forgotten after Conan 2 and Red Sonja, which were horrible.

There has never been a bad Mission: Impossible movie.

If it were a little later in their careers, you could imagine each of them thinking “I know I’m normally over the top, but I better rein it it to counteract this nutso I’m working with” about the other one, so they were both on their best behavior.

McQuarrie also wrote the screenplays for Usual Suspects and Edge of Tomorrow, so he’s OK by me going into Rogue Nation.

Way of the Gun is awesome. I don’t care what anyone says.

I think what is so great about them is that they are all unique. Pacing, characters, story development, villains. The second is my favorite but I would put III up against any action movie ever. Ghost Protocol was also excellent.

Epic opening scene from Way of the Gun

Edge of Tomorrow (aka Live, Die, Repeat, aka All You Need is Kill) has a couple of scenes that subvert the whole Crusian aura, too.

... do you seriously think there’s any possibility that Cruise WON’T run??? That’s all he does. MI3’s entire climax was him running for like five minutes.

You don’t need to qualify that with “even”. Edge of Tomorrow was fantastic.

Jurassic World 2: The Return of Dr. Ian Malcolm