A shame - the movie is really fun pulp with a great cast and everyone knows exactly what kind of film they’re in. Great Sunday afternoon time-killer.
A shame - the movie is really fun pulp with a great cast and everyone knows exactly what kind of film they’re in. Great Sunday afternoon time-killer.
Isn’t the point of Lincoln Lawyer to be a vehicle for Matthew McConaughey
This is a joke, right? The accent is grating not because its unfamiliar to Americans (weird take) but because it’s ‘SNL impression’ bad. Though it makes perfect sense as a fake London accent made for a fake Bri’ish personality by an American.
i don’t think it’s so much that it’s distracting as much as something that people can point at and go ‘we know this is fake’ and feel like they know something.
The skits from the previous films that I always remember weren’t even that elaborate or awful; it was just the crew hanging out and laughing at one another. The fart helmet, the exploding poop volcano, the card throwing-machine. Those endure because it’s the stupid shit that you and your buddies think up after a few…
He’s also become passionate about animal rights. I’m not saying Steve-O should fill the Betty White sized hole in America’s heart, but I’m not not saying that.
Steve-O has been a random inspiration for me to keep maintaining my drug recovery (albeit a few relapses). I figured if that guy can do it so can I.
Totally agree that the best, most endearing (and enduring) aspect of Jackass is the fact that they’re all having the time of their lives. Their laughs (especially Knoxville’s) are infectious and filled with abject glee. I’m also glad they moved their shtick (haaaa) in the direction of laughing at themselves instead of…
That must be why they call it “getting clean”!
Scream 4 promised that Stab 5 would have time travel. Your review doesn’t mention time travel. Pass.
That’s interesting. Of all the shows actors I thought Steven Straight was the closest to the books. All of the actors were good, but the show’s Amos was simply NOT the book Amos. Alex actually nailed that character, but was young and pretty like the other actors. Naomi was likewise good, but I never once thought she…
I can’t help but wonder if any form of Sopranos prequel would be able to work. A huge part of what made The Sopranos work so well was its milieu—the pitch-perfect representation of America in the late 90s/early 00s, the autumnal unease of it all. It worked because it mirrored the state of the Mafia, and threw its…
Someone still needs to inform Zack Snyder that the moment is over, though
I’ve been getting kind of an “off” vibe with Colin Robinson this season. I think some of it is that they’re trying something a little different with him rather than just rehashing the bits they did with him in seasons 1 and 2, or maybe it’s because they’re clearly building up a bit of an actual arc for him this season…
I loved when Nadja found herself sitting on the corpse and said “shame it wasn’t his face” while making a knowing look into the camera.
Transporting Miners killed me
I’ve been trying to add the twin concepts of the car being taken for “transporting miners across state lines” (which had me laughing for five minutes) and Laszlo only having it for ten minutes.
If “The Sire” winds up being Steve Buscemi as a “vampire Garland Green”, I will plotz.
Still keeping up the premise that there’s a film crew tailing them doing a reality show.