
Jai Courtney is the anti-Dwayne Johnson: he takes every movie he’s in and makes it worse just by his presence.

Emilia Clarke lacking charisma? You don’t say...

Also this set picture is pretty definitive proof:

I think he’s alive cause these scenes haven’t happened yet (unless they went all in on this stunner and had Colin Farrel stick around and film some alternate scenes for trailers) Theres also a seen with him with bloody knuckles at his meeting spot with Vince Vaughn:

Galaxy II? Are there 2 LA Galaxies now? I realize this is soccer, but WTF happened to a little creativity?

At best, a very weak copy

If you’re a fan check out the Parker comics by Darwyn Cooke. Awesome, awesome series and is based on Richard Stark’s source material. To Payback’s credit they really stuck pretty close to the original.

They’ve made a new Point Break?

One good thing about working right at 42nd and 5th age in NYC, there’s 2 bars near me that are called “Point Break” and “Johnny Utah’s”. Johnny has a robo-bull but Point Break has a framed picture of Patrick Swayze. I always try to make sure I drink under it.

Vaya con dios.

I was hopeful that Colin Farrell was going to be doing what he’s good at, which is a sort of frenzied lunacy. Instead, it looks like he’s playing Rust Cohle in Los Angeles. Let’s hope this show doesn’t go the way of House of Cards and embarrass itself.

Bush’s last two years - “Hey, can I stop being President yet?” Obama’s last two years -

“Did Obama just admit that an Islamic Callisee is heading towards the West? Tune in to FOX tonight to find out!”

I wish he could take over The Daily Show when Jon leaves. He was so great hosting the Colbert Report. I think he missed his calling as a comedian.

<—— Official White House response to hurt feelings ;(.

I love that half the damned audience had no farging clue who Luther was/what was happening/why they were such chumps.

Even BEFORE he brought Luther on, the President was having a good time skewering every single lie told about him. He even opened with a bunch of JPGs about how he doesn’t give a crap any more - and he probably doesn’t. I’d quote a couple, but hey, it would be quoting the entire speech.

I heard him explain this on a podcast. Copy/pasted via IMDB:

Reign of Fire makes much more sense now. Woolen vested firemen using their manly mana and mojo magicks.