
Oh yeah. But can we talk about the Holden-Mao scene? I LOVED Prax confronting Strickland. Terry Chen knocked it out of the park. But oh man, the Holden-Mao scene. That was payoff to the very first episode. All of the evil and chaos Mao sowed on the galaxy, Holden finally got to look him in the eyes and hold him

All praises to Beebo, god of war.

Stardust and Layer Cake are goddamn delights and should not be sullied.

Yeah, it’s just not a legal charge that can be brought. Conspiracy charges would cover what we consider collusion.

Noah Hawley loves reusing actors. It’s great seeing the ones from his old show The Unusuals show up on Fargo.

I still only see him as Pierre Chang on Lost.

“Who can even do that!?”

That was also Viggo’s last line to John, and Viggo is d-e-d dead.

Yeah, I enjoyed the show, sloppy villainy from Proctor aside, but damn, this finale felt at times like it just stopped in the middle of something. Lynn says she has an idea who can help the abducted kids, then that isn’t followed up on. Tobias and co. steal the briefcase, but then do nothing. There’s leaving the story

Krondon plays Tobias with the kind of menace and competence I wish D’Onofrio brought to the Kingpin, instead of being a petulant manchild who never fits the show’s description of him as a criminal mastermind. So, props to the actor with only one credit before Black Lightning, he’s far better than D’Onofrio.

Was that a robotic arm I saw when she got injured?

I mean, this show is the heir to The Prisoner so weird for weird’s sake is sort of a thing, but it’s directed for metaphorical purposes.

Yeah, I’m not sure how they’re handling it. There’s Oliver, “real” Farouk and Lenny. In the dance battle (which I took as a flashback before Clark and co. found David), it starts off as David vs. Oliver, in a sort of physical fight. Then Lenny shows up as psychic reinforcement? And David has to go into overdrive with

Penny Dreadful was the best show on TV (better than the Americans, no question) and it got completely ignored. If Legion gets snubbed as well....

He’s not a particularly good actor and his Oliver Queen is still an in-name-only version of Green Arrow but damn it he seems like a good dude.

The music on this show is so good. RTJ plus more classic R&B? Yes please.

Well. Okay. I don’t lift that much and never will but now I am afraid.

Beware of ninjas.

Agreed. It was poorly handled, considering they were riffing on a very recent terrorist attack. And even more egregious considering this show’s smart and thoughtful approach to social/political issues.

Oh man, that’s why she looked familiar!