
The Invitation is so good. I mean...wow. It holds up on repeat viewings and it’s just a brilliant drama.

I thought he was most famous for figuring out Drake’s secret...

Like Pacho, he’s been a consistent if minor presence for the whole run. Unlike Pacho, he’s stayed fun the entire time.

Same, same.

I came here to mention Richard Harrow. So perfect, such a great intro to the masks.

Also the room Chris was tied up in was the epitome of kitschy 1950s white family. The bocce balls, the deer, the old timey TV. It was in stark contrast to the rather eclectic decorations of the rest of the home. Whitford was decorating that with souvenirs from his travels, but the basement? So white.

Going off that, when they first are hanging out, Rose is surprised to learn that the weekend is the same weekend as the big family get together. Yet in the scene before that, when asked how long they’ve been together, she snaps quickly to correct Chris when he’s off by a month. The former part is obviously a lie given

hntergren had a good, longer answer as well, but also the environment both things happened in. Andre/Logan saw the flash from a distance, in a sunny day. Chris used the flash point blank at Walter during the middle of night, so it was probably more jarring.

One thing I noticed: Jeremy wears all black (with that creepy as hell Teutonic helmet) while driving a stark white car. It later mirrors Rose drinking milk in all white with a large black straw.

One thing I missed with Rose that I can’t believe I didn’t get until this morning was her sense of timing. When she and Chris meet the parents, Dean asks how long they’ve been together. When Chris says four months, she almost snaps to correct him to five months. In the next scene where they’re outdoors, Dean brings up

I was just going to say, it felt like a big shoutout to that sketch.

Oh Jesus, that’s the explanation for that! I thought it was just her being super pretentious. This is brilliant and horrifying.

I thought she just ate one, didn’t realize she ate half of one. That is wonderfully prissy and pretentious. This film is genius.

I noticed that he got the death his colleague Richard Jenkins had in Cabin in the Woods (impaled around the corner by the hero, slumping back and dying slowly). Clever.

Pretty sure it was a bocce ball. My first thought (after YES! Go Chris!) was “Of course they have bocce here.”

So, Nordic-style social-democracy, the alternative to both pure socialism and laissez-faire capitalism? It’s proven to work in multiple countries.

The film is like five different stories in one (corporate espionage! An abusive parent! An autistic guy trying to find happiness! etc., etc.). It shouldn’t work. It’s not great. But it flows well enough and is entertaining enough that I’m still baffled that it works.

Disagree, Magary. The Guy Ritchie films are awesome. RDJ isn’t the best Holmes (that would be Jonny Lee Miller or Basil Rathbone), but those films have the feel of the stories, and the best Watson, Moriarty, Moran, and Mary.

The first season was the only good season. I’ve laughed a few times since, but season one was so delightfully grounded and real. It felt unlike anything else. The humor was natural and it seemed accurate to life.

I’m still baffled that the hardcore Islamophobes who claim Obama is a secret Muslim also bring up Reverend Wright all of the time. They know he’s a Christian priest, right?