
Paul McGann does have a new costume. If he doesn't come back somehow I'll be sad. He's easily one of the best Doctors (the audios are AMAZING!) and he deserves more respect.

It's "A Modest Proposal" with the filter of modern day pop culture and revolutionary symbols. Awesome.

Too Iron Man-y in tone. I was hoping for something a bit more serious, especially from Martin Campbell. Also, the cinematography looks really generic. Like, bad romantic comedy generic.

The Dark is Rising movie....:( It totally destroyed the source material.

The Dark is Rising is wholly different from Harry Potter. I say this as both a DiR and HP fan (The Dark is Rising is the first "real" novel I ever read, and the reason I love fiction and fantasy).

Of all those actresses, on Weisz would work, and I really don't see her for this.

At the very least, the Romanian/Gothic locale is a step up from the last one.

Shame. I'm not an Emmerich fan (beyond Stargate), but I'd love to see what he could do when restrained by a budget instead of going all out.

In terms of their incarnation of the Doctor being the "official" Doctor of the time, it's either McCoy or McGann, they've got about 9 years each before their replacements took over.

@Palmer: This wins. It just is awesome.

First of all, thank you for all of the movies, and Spaced. Spaced is one of my favorite shows, and the way you guys blended a great storyline with the surreal genius of the humor is beyond me, but it works.

@Zach Quam: He wrote him in Infinite Crisis, and I thought it was one of the best portrayals yet. He managed to have a great character arc for Bruce, stripping away the paranoia, Batjerk and Batgod aspects of the character, making him more of the dark, gothic Batman that Dennis O'Neill and Steve Englehart wrote.

@TheDarkWayne: It's not that, just the bad characterization (Bat god...ugh...), totally out of character moments, half-baked plotting and pacing, etc. I just can't dig it. I've tried, I get it's critically acclaimed, but for me it's so far away from Batman.

Ugh. I'm sorry, but I have tried, but I cannot stand Morrison's run on Batman. He's ruined the character almost as badly as Frank Miller.

I hope they avoid the Sarah Essen bit, that was just a bleh moment from Miller. Especially since they seem to have a good actress as Gordon's wife already.

That is an amazing cast. I'm sold on that alone.

@ChampionshipFacial: Look at Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels or Snatch to see his range. He can pull of drama and monologues perfectly, as long as they don't force him into the "aah, muscly-tough guy" role again.

I never liked FlashForward, but I had to stop when I realized that Neil Jackson was in that clip. Blade the Series, Push, Stargate, and his underrated indie flick The Passage, that guy rocks.