
I just read the transcript of what he said. Maybe it's the newspaper editor in me, but dude, finish a frakking sentence. On a plain grammatical and syntaxical level, you make no sense.

The pictures iFanboy has up are awesome! I love the aesthetic of the film, and holy crap, they have the Ultimates WWII costume in it! Nice.

The Wheel of Time. It's set in the Third Age, and the First Age is supposedly our world. So...yeah.

@Refraction: My roommate is still a bit iffy on Evans. I keep telling him to watch Sunshine, and we're finally going to watch it this weekend. He'll be doubt-free by Sunday.

After Sunshine, Evans can do no wrong as Cap.

Awesome! Now let's get Paul McGann a role as an elf and we're set.

@dkl415: Check out the first issue of Jonathan Hickman's S.H.I.E.L.D. It has as close to an ancient Egyptian Avengers lineup as we'll get, if only for a few page cameo. The original Moon Knight, Apocalypse, and an Egyptian analogue for Captain America (complete with shield). It's as awesome as it sounds.

Nick Cave or not, a remake of the Crow still sounds terrible. Wahlberg isn't bad, but this is definitely not his kind of film.

Mark Sheppard needs a show. As in a lead role. He's one of the best actors out there, and while I love seeing him in every show ever, I'd love to see him get a steady, weekly role than more guest appearances.

MI:3 was great, and hopefully this one takes a similar approach. Good use of teamwork in it. With Renner, Holloway, Pegg, and Cruise coming together, I think cast wise it's awesome.

Going by Nolan's track record, a brilliant, award-snubbed film starring either Christian Bale or DiCaprio alongside Michael Caine.

Over the top, horrific violence that is also funny? Get Tommy Wirkola, the director of the Nazi Zombie movie Dead Snow. I just rewatched it, and he'd be perfect for Deadpool.

I can't wait for Arvid Nelson's Warlord of Mars. After Rex Mundi and Zero Killer, Nelson is easily my favorite comic writer. And now he's tackling John Carter of Mars? Awesome.

Hmm, 5 years ago Ryan Reynolds was set to play Wally West in David Goyer's Flash film. Now he's Hal and Bradley Cooper is in the running for Barry Allen.

Hobgoblin perhaps? Either way, this is cool casting. I love Ifans.

No Routh? And my interest dropped. Nolan's great, but with Snyder as director, I'm not sure Nolan's intellectual production can win out over dumb action scenes.

Boo. His style just doesn't do it for, visually more than anything.

@WookieLifeDay: I really wanted to see that Spielberg/Neeson Lincoln movie. :(

Michael Hogan as Deathstroke? Really? I like the guy as an actor and all, but I really don't see it.