@99TelepodProblems: Win. Just win.
@99TelepodProblems: Win. Just win.
From the aesthetics of the design, it looks related to those Nazi/Hydra motorcycles that were chasing Cap in other pictures. Perhaps Cap steals this from the Nazis?
There's a lot diesel punk futurism going on in these Captain America pics. Interesting.
Hey, the Sticky Fingaz Blade. Nice. I miss that series.
Bryan Singer?
No love for Traveler? Brilliant cliffhanger as a season finale, mindnumblingly painful cliffhanger as a series finale.
Seriously? I was actually really looking forward to Keanu's Bebop movie. He was working with the creator to get a perfect adaptation to cinema. Grr.
Okay, Knowing sucked, but The Crow is a perfect film and one of my favorites. Hopefully this is good.
@Joseph Bernados: Blink was great, but I will forever hate Simm's Master. After Jacobi returned the character to his dark, serious-goodness, we got the campiest thing of all time. Compared to season 2, I wasn't happy with season 3.
Maybe it's because Sunshine is my favorite movie, but I definitely enjoyed 42. In a lackluster season, it was a standout.
As sadly wasted and forced to ham it up as Ainley was, the ending of Keeper of the Traken is downright chilling.
Hey, a space colony from Gundam.
@Mr_Academic: Goblet was awesome. It was the darkest by far, and it cut out the nonessential stuff while still leaving the important main plot in (something the fifth and sixth films inverted). It was also funny, in a sarcastic, witty way, unlike the forced humor of Order. Aside from Finnes hamming it up, the…
I hate to be a naysayer, but no matter what, I don't think these will be good. David Yates, and his screenwriting team, butchered the last two films, from misplacing the focus to just poor execution and staging. I had thought Prisoner could not be beaten for worst adaptation, but I was wrong.
I could care less about Christensen, but Brad Anderson is amazing. His episodes of Fringe rock, The Machinist was mesmerizing, and Transsiberean was the best thriller of recent years.
I didn't think I'd like that, but I definitely did. Mr Bradbury is lucky to have a fan like that.
Narration sucks, and it looks a little cheap, but nice to finally see a trailer. I'm a big fan of Routh (who didn't love him in Scott Pilgrim?) ever since Superman Returns, so I really want this to do well. Oh, and another Superman movie.
Where's the fez? Fezzes are cool now...
@ProfessorSara: Yes! I loved Returns, but it can be straightened out. If the next Superman film doesn't use Routh, I'll be disappointed.
Finally! I've been looking forward to this movie for over a year. Hopefully we get a trailer soon, and a release date. Routh has become one of my favorite actors, and a paranormal storyline, and Jimmy Olsen as a partner once again has me very excited.