
There's a costume related theory to the ending that hasn't been mentioned. In all the dream sequences, Cobb has a wedding ring on. He doesn't in the final scene. Make of that what you will.

I was hoping it would be Alan Scott to school the Corps. Oh well. :(

The Zombieland guys wrote the script. Reynolds is starring. Add in Rodriguez as the director and it just seems like a perfect trifecta.

All I can think of is how this hurts as a fan of Moore and Lazenby.

The "Uggh, this is Earth, isn't it" line was great.

The "Uggh, this is Earth, isn't it" line was great.

Jon Hamm as Superman? I must be the only one that doesn't see it. He's a good actor, but he just doesn't seem to fit as Superman.

Okay, the narration was crap, but wow, that looks great! I've had my issues with Universe, but the good has mostly outweighed the bad. This looks really intriguing, and I think they'll smooth out the rough spots from the first season.

The "You Are Here" shirt is awesome. I mean, it's a John Lennon shoutout turned geek icon. Truly cool.

Everytime I see Tommy Wiseau's name, I always think you mean Tommy Wirkola, the guy who directed Dead Snow. Oh, it's just the Room guy. Eh.

@TemporalSword: I am the exact same way. I still don't understand why a movie with a 70% on Rotten Tomatoes that made millions of dollars gets so much hate. Routh was definitely the best part. It's hard to imagine anyone, say like the rumored Zachary Levi, as Superman.

Yes! Bring back Routh. That would be awesome.

Okay, I love Nick Cave and The Proposition, but I am still radically against a Crow remake. Was the original a classic featuring an unmatchable performance from Brandon Lee? Yes. Did all of the sequels fail miserably, both content wise and financially? Yes. Is remaking the Crow (and apparently making it "grim and

Great trailer, yes. My one comment is the opening narration sets Luthor up as leading a resistance against heroes gone bad, yet then it shows him as the bad guy. Then it shows Superman as an ultraviolent guy who apparently crossed some moral line, but he's still the hero.

Seems very Japan centric (well, okay, they are making the shows), but the fact that it's Warren Ellis has me hooked. He writes some of the best Iron Man stuff (and I honestly prefer he's take on transhumanism and futurism to Matt Fraction's over the top take).

That was awesome. Reynolds sold me on him as Hal with those few words.

For a second there, I was scared out my mind.

Ford vs. Craig. There is a Zod. I can't wait! Wow. The only way this could be better is if Bale somehow came into this.

I'm really looking forward to this. It sounds like it has just the right mix of sci-fi and action, without any soap opera-y stuff to drag it along. This review solidified my interest.