
No leaning on any count. I guess when I got over my cynical/pessimistic phase I became to optimistic for dystopia. Pop in the New Radicals and avoid the end of the world!

The picture with him and the floating ring looks cool, and it definitely has me intrigued more than the cover.

:( This is my first time in four years not going. WHY!?!?!

@Infernorhythm: What I meant was that since Inception seems to be a very smart, complex film, if people opt out on it because of that, it will be disappointing. I'm not a fan of seeing dumb films do well, while smart ones fail.

@ssaxton: Dr. Brian Cox: awesome. The real life version of Sunshine's Robert Capa.

This will not flop. Nolan is the best director of our era, if not the best ever, and all of his movies have been brilliant. Even his weakest film, Insomnia, is better than most. If this flops, my faith in humanity will be dead, and, well, I don't know what I'd do.

This will not flop. Nolan is the best director of our era, if not the best ever, and all of his movies have been brilliant. Even his weakest film, Insomnia, is better than most. If this flops, my faith in humanity will be dead, and, well, I don't know what I'd do.

I loved Predators, and I agree, I was bummed that this shot wasn't in the film, but you're right, they'd be dead in an instant.

@Ghost_in_the_Machine: He made a great villain in Dogma, was beyond excellent in State of Play, and his directorial debut with Gone, Baby Gone was amazing.

The Endless have appeared a few more times since then. Morpheus had a cameo in Kevin Smith's Green Arrow run, and Daniel showed up a few times in Geoff Johns' JSA.

Get Norton back! Isn't there a petition going around? He said he wanted to reprise the role anyway. The Avengers with the Hulk, but without Norton would stink. I've been waiting for a Norton/Downey Jr scene since 2008.

@Rasselas: Well, Royce was running to the alien ship, and Nikolai's minigun was destroyed the same way Dutch's M-16 was right before the CHOPPA line, so it's kind of a split reference.

@collex: Exactly. Also, awesome Dead Snow avatar.

I just got out of a screening, and wow, it was awesome. I was never really a fan of the 80s action movie genre - too much one man army stuff going on, not enough plot - but Predator was a great one. The shifts in genre, the Beowulf-influence plot, and a great finale. Predators really is the Aliens to Predator's Alien.

All we need is Sean and Ron and it's complete.

I think Fraction and Brubaker put this in an early issue of the Immortal Iron Fist. Interesting to know it's real. Crazy world we live in.

As a romantic and someone that went through depression partially related to rejection, I'm not sure I agree. Let's not encourage rejection. Everyone should be happy and fun.

This sounds pretty cool.

White Collar does star one of the guys from Traveler, which was a great conspiracy thriller, kind of geeky awesome.