
American Gods is THE Great American Novel. Gaiman captured everything about America - belief, immigration, interaction - and told it using two very American genres: the road story and the crime story.

@Cory Gross: It's not so much that he makes them look smug, he makes them look fat. Look at his JLoA portraits, Batman and Superman look paunchy.

I posted an ad for myself on this. I've never done an online dating/friend thing before, but oddly enough, I trust fellow geeks far more than any tv commercial. I hope people do find some fellow geek through all of this.

Shark Attack 3: the line. Just...the line. You know the one I'm talking about.

Well now every sci-fi show has been wrong. Hopefully they take this immediately to heart.

@elvisml2: Yes. Planet Houston is doomed.

I was excited about Brody, but wow. He is awesome. I loved him in King Kong, but he's really action hero stuff here. Now he just needs an Inception style crazy uber genius action film after this one.

@Dan2593: Well, everything except for Eric Roberts rocked. Paul McGann became my favorite Doctor in just one episode.

@Log1c: It started weakly, but became really good near the end. Neil Jackson as Marcus Van Sciver was incredibly awesome, and Sticky Fingaz was great as Blade. Shame about the cancellation. I was hoping to see the rumored season 2 Moon Knight appearance.

No. No. No! For many reasons. For one thing, Depp needs to get that Rex Mundi movie he's producing filmed. That is an as soon as possible case.

I would only do a viking funeral if it could be as awesome as the one from the 13th Warrior.

I'm extremely anti-Twilight, both as a vampire fan, and simply as a fan of good writing, but the Patterson hate is a bit much. Everything else that I've seen him in, he's been pretty good. Shame the guy's going to be remembered solely for Twilight (I think I even heard him say that he's in it solely for the money).

...and Matt Smith solidified his place alongside Jon Pertwee and Paul McGann as one of my favorite Doctors. McGann did musicals early on, and Pertwee SANG A FREAKING DOCTOR WHO SONG! Matt Smith rocks.

@Charlie Jane Anders: I think 2007 was pretty bad too. I've noticed that usually the odd years are the worst, while the even years, while not perfect, have some great gems (The Prestige, The Dark Knight, and so on).

@LittleDragon: I have a class until 3:15 the 16th. The second it ends, I'm going straight to a movie theater to watch this. Then seeing it again on Saturday.

I'd rather see Syfy do the opposite. Stop the B-movies for a while. Shore up production money. Then get a truly good speculative fiction idea, and make that movie. It'll have a bigger budget, and could possibly be cerebral and thought provoking, not dumb and full of cliches and monsters. So they make less movies a

You know what, I'm actually excited. Rogen looks surprisingly good in this, and maybe a little comedy is a good thing. Christoph Waltz rocks, Jay Chou looks badass (and even wears goggles early on, like the original radio incarnation did. Nice tough), and the car looks sweet. I'm not big on the 3D thing, but I'll just

January? I thought it came out in December. Boo...I hate waiting.