
I am very excited for this! Please be good, we need a pulp/radio revival. I still Chudnofski is an insanely dumb name, but it is Christoph Waltz, so it should rock.

After Inception, this is the film I'm most excited for.

@TheFirstBardo: Yes, yes it is Brandon Routh. Michael Cera is fighting Captain America and Superman. He's doomed.

An El Wray comic would rock.

@Belabras: I was just going to say that. Nicolas Cage as Fu Manchu....I loved Grindhouse, but that may be the most awesome part of it.

The only way that could be better is if they gave the Colin Baker owl the blue outfit he had from the Big Finish audios.

@92BuickLeSabre: Before Eccleston was chosen as the Ninth Doctor, The Shalka Doctor was the unofficial Ninth Doctor. So, for fans of Withnail and I, and I regenerated into Withnail.

It's the geek-trying-to-get-in-shape in me, but wow, he's ripped. This could be an awesome fight, he's definitely not the scrawny guy he usually looks like.

Nolan rocks. As a writer, producer, and director, he is a genius. Hearing him talk Hollywood and his creative process is a treat.

Bah. Bruce Lee is better.

Doesn't look cheesy to me, and actually a decent budget (unlike, say, heroes). I'm intrigued. Hopefully this turns out to be good.

Oh, for a second I thought this was about Neil Jackson's excellent thriller film The Passage. Still, sounds interesting.

Superman Returns was an excellent film. That is how you handle character drama, action, and Superman. He's not the Hulk, he's not a mindless action vehicle. Superman Returns (both the trailer - which is awesome - and the film) rock.

@Lassus: More Routh is a good thing. I wish Singer and Routh had been able to make a sequel to Returns. Routh has some real talent, I'd hate to see it wasted.

@t3knomanser: Well, it's hard to top Jon Pertwee. That guy could pull of wearing an opera cape, and then kick your butt. And I am partial to Paul McGann's Doctor costume. That was just cool.

@space_monkey: You know the sad thing? He'd probably rock in every roll, no matter how odd it is for him.

@Zidel333: Well, I don't think there's a way it can be done right. That complex of a cast, the way the different books flow (Perrin being absent in TFoH, Mat in TPoD), the way CoT doesn't have much action in it, the 15+ years it would take to make all the films (despite the series covering 3 years), my hopes for it

Now that that's underway, let's get that Wheel of Time movie series made.