
We found our real-life Hibiki

nintendo, please make a 2D Kid Icarus!

non-nintendo wish: 2D Castlevania

Where's Alucard when you need him...?

Kengo: Legend of the 9
Thought it was going to be the next big Kengo/Bushido Blade game. I mean the name of the game is Kengo. It was created by the same company as the awesome PS2 game of THE SAME NAME! Updated graphics, unique sword-styles, and Musashi is playable! This game was gonna be the greatest 60 bucks I ever

Robot Chicken, anyone...?

THIS always intrigued me ever since I was a kid. Why did they include a picture of a girl massaging a dude's package in Guile's stage..?? Sure, maybe 12 year old me took it out of context and it was just my pre-adolescent hormones causing me to pervert innocent things..
...but then, why was it removed from the

This just made me crazy nostalgic for 1997 - back when both video games and anime were still chic, yet under-appreciated by the mainstream.. *sniff*


Yo dawg - I heard you like covers.....

Anybody else come here for the 8-bit VNV Nation..??

Really?? Because I distinctly remember a time not so long ago that if IGA was attached to the game, it was automatically met with critics deriding it as "same old", and "here we go again..." I, for one, loved both IGA's somewhat Eastern take on the game, as well as Mercury's Westernization of the reboot. I honestly

I love how practically no official information at all has been revealed yet and already legions of people are swearing off the game and the franchise altogether.

This is nothing compared to the towers I get at work. I work as a service tech for a major IT outsourcing company, and some of the units we get in to work on are old Pentium II's and III's that you can just tell were left in the client company's storage facility for at least a decade..

really.. nobody?

I've since moved onto the Duo, and while I like the one less adaptor to plug in, I still feel the original TGCD looked sleeker than the Turbo Duo. It was like a beautiful looking tumor atop my TurboGrafx-16...

Ok, so it could double as a "trans-portable" CD player. In 1991, that was still a pretty big deal..

Interesting to note: The Turbo Grafx CD add-on was the first CD-based video game system to be released in North America, (the FM Towns Marty being the true first in Japan; I'm not sure about the PAL region,) pre-dating the Sega CD by about 2-3 years..

Thank you for this! Usually, I only comment with snarky, and/or inappropriate remarks fit for a troll, but this really made for a fascinating read! Awesome job!

"Marty! We have to go back!"