
No Fencing..? No monies...

"We looked into it. It was a little more bling than I think the average consumer was looking for."

you DO realize that Kula is supposed to be about 14 years old, right??

Looking at the box art - That's a paddlin'.

Anybody else think Cervantes looks a bit too much like Heihachi??

Hey... that doesn't look like the wallet inspector... :(

Awesome! Now the 3DS has one more thing in common with the Virtual Boy - the same color scheme!

Awesome - Congrats to everybody!

Am I the only one who thinks that the only thing missing from that hat are the words: 'Fatal Fury'..??

Who fucken cares??! Really? So the guy went a step beyond a tattoo and got body mods.. He must be an idiot because he's doing something other than trolling on some pointless message board..

I hope this is an early build - I'm not liking the way her hair looks more like a yellow blanket attached to her skull..

Give 'em hell, Yoshi!

I love stories like this..

Whoa..whoa..whoa.......whoa...wait just a minute..

Is that a cockatrice in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

@anasqueco: By emulation, I wasn't talking about emulating the PS2 - that's not possible with the given chipset. I was referring to the ability to put every game console from the Atari what-have-you up to and including the Dreamcast and Saturn (which is feasible, given the hardware requirements.) So, there's your one

Anybody else think Wesker is a dead ringer for an older Kyosuke?

Emperor on Rock Band..! .<

No Castlevania..?