I think that sounds like precisely what this is. This girl is 18. Just...don’t take the nice things? Do you think the “we paid for x and she isn’t doing y” started with college money? I have parents like this mom, and I had a breakdown on my 9th birthday because I knew I only had 9 more years before I was an adult to…
Here’s the thing about gifts and strings. If someone gives me something and says I expect x in return, then I better provide x if I accept the gift. But if they give me something and just expect that I will provide something in return, then not only am I not obligated to do so, I might not even know the expectatin is…
This letter writer is giving me strong flavors of my mom. The martyrdom, using money/gifts as control. The question of “should a young adult text their mom back” isn’t really my takeaway here, it’s that a well - adjusted person would not have written this letter.
I think a lifetime of cat ownership has well prepared me for an ill spouse:
And when they hang around the house they hang around the house.
I love you Australia. You have some very attractive men, some reasonably good wine but....your whole country is just a big bag of nope.
Yes! I have more freckles than there are numbers.
Aw. My brother is like a walking freckle. He has so many they’re joining together.
You were not kidding. How does she do that? I stared at about a dozen brows trying to find the tattoo lines and it just looked like beautiful bushy brows. And the hairline tattooing is amazing. Do you think this would work on my entire head? #finehairproblems
Freckles may be in, but I still can’t escape “omg, you’re so pale, go get a tan.” Especially now that I live in Los Angeles.
Sadly so much same.
In my day we did this with brown eyeliner. Kids these days, no work ethic.
As someone who hates my freckles I do not understand why anyone would want to achieve a freckle look. If I could get rid of them, I would. (Sorry to be a negative nancy.)
I spent my entire life hiding my freckles. I'm glad now to hear I'm suddenly cute.
This picture makes him look like a less filthy Johnny Depp. (This is a good thing.)