When did Yentas go away?
When did Yentas go away?
Can we re-title the job to be more accurate,
Oh, gosh, thanks! It's good to see something like this after the last story. Made me smile.
there’s a lot of dumb virgin men on the internet who believe the more sex a woman has, the more “stretched out” the inner labia become. i couldn’t fucking make this shit up if i tried.
Is that a thing that women don’t wear underwear with yoga pants? I’m all for going commando while wearing the baggiest sweatpants in the comfort of my home during an abc family Harry Potter marathon, but I'm with you. Tight pants and no undies equals pinched labias.
“BITCH LET’S GO TO FLORIDAY,” so we drive to Floriday and read tabloids by the pool all weekend lmaoooooooo.
The other weird part of the story that I forgot to mention is that my other grandmother died very suddenly when I was 6, which would have made my mom about 30 and my grandmother in her early 60s. My mom says that for every single day after the funeral she would dream about my grandmother. But again, my grandmother was…
I had very strange experiences after my grandmother died. I was incredibly close to her. I gave the eulogy at her funeral, I was with her hours before she died. People at the funeral kept coming up to me specifically to ask how I was doing because I was probably taking this loss harder than anyone else. After she…
I had a similar experience. My husband and our son and I moved into an old townhouse in the Rittenhouse area of Philadelphia. Always seemed colder than it should be, weird smells, just uncomfortable vibe at times. One night, I wake up with a jolt and see something descending from the ceiling above our heads, coming…
I used to work in a very remote town, while living in my hometown 30 miles away. I was 20 and my Dad had just secured me my very first car to make the commute, it was a mid 1990’s Thunderbird with oxidizing paint, leaked every fluid I put into it, and had shitty gas mileage. Needless to say I was in love.
FINALLY!!! I have been waiting all year for this!! Here is my story.
This is not super scary (to me) but it is 100% true.
I can never decide if I’m more terrified by the supernatural stories or the real encounters. The answer is I’m terrified of everything.