
Her response should have been "So's your mother Trebeck!!!" With a Scottish accent of course.

This is better than Bernie Mac calling the Cubs "Champs" during the 7th inning stretch of the 2003 NLCS.

This man has been watching professional wrestling for a very long time.

He didn't know he made them in that size huh? I didn't know a retired QB's whining carried any weight, especially after he gets shitfaced and tries to make out with Suzie Kholber, live on National TV.

The second video is awesome haha. It looks almost like its scripted cause NONE of those dudes know how to fight or actually seem willing to. its too funny. And forget about the short guy at 4:34, check his moves out from about 5:10 on. He runs in, gives a few short kicks to one of the girls heads and then

Ah, so J.K. Rowling:Ron Weasley::Ford/Kasdan:Han Solo. Damn it, that one just dropped me from a 1450 to a 1425.

One of the best things ever was watching Artie Lange single handedly ruin Buck's once a month show he tried to do on HBO.

That's better than anything Joe Buck has said into a microphone. That guy wouldn't know a great sports moment if it happened during the most amazing Super Bowl game ever. Oh right.....that actually happened and he failed there too.

According to this J.K. Rowling:Ron Weasley::George Lucas:Han Solo. Cool.

I really don't think he even likes football. And, while I do love John Gruden because he actually knows what he's talking about when it comes to football, he can go over the top with the praise of specific players during the game. He went on and on about how big and physical Matt Cassel is and how well he protects

Right, she was really a side character that I didn't think about before she went missing, which is why I find it strange that this story line has been dragged out for so many episodes now. I hope by the time she is found, her character is important for one reason or another even if its just to introduce a new

I get that in the realistic sense, it's entirely feasible that they wouldn't have found her by now. However, I'd rather be entertained than watch a search and rescue mission play out in real time week to week. Overall though, I reaaaalllly hope they use this story line as a vehicle to re-introduce an old character we

I feel like this was another episode that didn't really go anywhere. I find myself wishing that the story would speed up a little more and begin to resolve some things. Sophie has been missing for entirely too long and they've been stuck on the road for longer than I expected, we still don't know what the Dr. said

His team WON the game and he shived people? That's how you know things are ass backwards these days.

Well that's just depressing. Now I really want this team to win. I was rooting for them because Hamilton and his manager are former complete messes and now they're doing well. Plus, Hamilton could use a good day after killing a fan while his son watched. There is a lot of doom and gloom surrounding this Rangers

There are others I haven't seen, but for whatever reason that one really sticks out as the one that no matter what, I absolutely have to see it at some point.

I don't think it's that big of a deal when someone who doesn't watch much Sci-fi says that they haven't seen movies like Star Wars, Matrix, Jurassic Park, etc. If you have a lot of sci-fi movies like these on your list, than you really just don't watch Sci-fi movies, and that's ok, but its not surprising when someone

Also true. I have the DVD and its just fantastic.

My dad and his brother are big Giants fans and I distinctly remember watching the Giants win the '91 Super Bowl at my Uncle's house.

Oh good. Thank you for confirming. I was starting to think either I'm psychic or that big ol piece of forgeticus I was smoking last night was laced.