

I love how this play was so amazingly awkward, even the official fell on his ass.

I like your rather reasonable and humanistic thought on this. I don’t know if it would help the working conditions of those folks in Qatar currently, but hopefully this will get FIFA (and, by extension, the Olympics) into thinking more about the economies and human rights conditions of the countries they give these

support for police officers is not “crypto-racist” and does not dismiss anger over police violence. you can think police and black lives matter at the same time.

The article is bullshit. Sorry but cops care about their lives and 19 year old bloggers don’t need to “read between the lines” for the rest of us. Your personal belief about who is guilty and/or convicted for whatever reason doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of sportsing.

God's special little creature.

All your ham is belong to us.

Nice. I'll be back east in a couple weeks, will have to check it out! Looks a good deal better than the old Nutley Pub haha.

Nelson is one of the best beers in SD. I hope you eventually get to have one. I just finished a growler over the weekend. At least the weather sucks here, so no need to be jealous!

Nelson is everything it's cracked up to be. Awesome beer.

Nutley? Seriously? NEVER thought I would stumble across my hometown in a comment section anywhere again. What restaurant?

I also think Moore could be just as good if he ever got his head screwed on straight. I worry that some team like Oakland will throw stupid money his way.

I like it too. The Giants have the type of secondary (when healthy) that Rex loves, and he would be free to unleash a pass rush. The problems are that I can't see Rex taking a coordinator job in NY (He may not take one at all) and The Giants don't usually bring in personalities like him. It also wouldn't be fair to

One of the few crazy ones... but come on.. Mark Harmon!

I maintain to this day that there is one good thing that came of the movie Waterworld:

Because it's a great movie, and a great encapsulation of the source material. And it did it on a comparatively tiny budget.

Now playing

We'll see how long this stays up. It's almost 15 full minutes long.

Wow. The motorcycle part is so intense.
