
Wait, I swear I saw this last night on Adult Swim. I guess they'll be using old clips for the superhero episode too.

"Did you consider a toe ring buddy?"

I've got it all covered this year. I'm going as Keith Stone. Its simple, and one of the accessories is thirty shitty beers. Can't beat that with a big bag of Halloween candy. Feel free to steal it as long as we're not going to the same party.

Well I know what I'm going to look up in an incognito window today when I get home.

I was bummed out by last nights episode. No resolution on the Sophie issue still, which is infuriating. She's inconsequential and I don't care if she's a zombie or if she's alive, so don't take a fringe character and stretch out the mystery of where she is and what's happened to her for what will be three episodes

yes and when I read it, the episode hadn't aired yet....and now I notice for whatever reason my DVR didn't record last nights episode.

Thank you for the spoiler alert warning on the Fringe quip. Stopped me dead in my tracks. Much appreciated.

Seriously!! Being born in Indiana doesn't make you zombie, but being buried out in the marsh land of East Rutherford under the old Giants Stadium sure does.

It would have been cooler if Snooki was labeled in New York....cause that's where she's from. Actually, it would have been better if she wasn't mentioned at all. NJ has a lot of cool scary things in it as evidenced by the long running Weird NJ mag.

Am I missing something here? Gaddaffi was killed and that picture definitely isn't him. I know a lot of times you see pics of people who have been living in a hole for a while and they come out looking way different, but that looks nothing like him.

That's pretty awesome. I wonder if he had to remind himself that the Blue Whale is actually harmless as far as wanting to eat you, because I know I would have. I guess when you see something that big in the wild, no matter what you know logically, there is still part of your brain that goes, "ITS GONNA EAT ME!!!".

That last episode was an absolute chore. I want to like this show, and I do if only for Taylor and finding out more about him and how he started Terra Nova and now, as we learned, who he pissed off in 2149. Unfortunately that's really the only new info that we learn at a point in the season where more of the story

I think a Micronaut is what happens when an Argonaut and a Psychonaut make a baby.

cool cool. Thanx for the comic suggestion. I used to collect, but its been so long since I bought my last one.

This I would see.

Yes, I did see the first one when it came out, so it's been a few months and I don't remember all the details perfectly. The only way the sequel makes sense is if it covers the time period that Hanef talks about where they did a montage of Cap. shutting down Hydra bases which takes place over a few years. Any way

You can't blame the coach when you have that many dropped passes and players not being able to stay in bounds when they have a B-line to the end zone, or when your QB is staring down his #1 receiver so hard that he misses a guy in the end zone literally 30 feet away from the nearest defender.

So the sequel will actually take place from before the end of the first movie and the Red Skull will still be alive?

Alright, so I'm sorry if this has been covered before, but I haven't seen it in the comments. If Captain America gets frozen at the end of the first movie and is frozen allllllll the way up to just recently according to that movies timeline........how in the hell is there going to be a second movie where he's

Well thank god it's not another "Eddie Murphy starring Eddie Murphy featuring Eddie Murphy with Eddie Murphy in a fat suit" vehicle. But this movie still looks kind of crappy.