
So yeah, I mean when kids are talking about doing their cars modified properly there are good examples at car shows. The lowrider is an example of correctly identifying a art theme or concept and executing it. Putting a nike logo or vtec sticker on your car isn’t a paint scheme.

Andrew got stuck in a whack lemon dealer traded Challenger. Im so sorry.

Rookie mistake.

So then its an update. I know thats not the exciting buzzword to use but yeah....

David, the issue is this: That Jeep owner should have done what that Skyline owner did...

Well at least they did what someone told them to do & they complied. I thought for sure that someone in the republican party just wrote on a sheet of paper “ban anyone from coming into the US” and passed it to congress as if that’s all they needed to do. This isn’t 1827.


I think I found a idea to help me make money in a very slimeball way after reading the article. Thanks Brian! (I mean, tons of other people do slimeball stuff to not be broke)

I don’t see the problem. The other contestants can read the categories too. And they can stare at them over and over, they don’t disappear. Its trivia on your feet, so you should be able to recall any category or get off the stage, lol.

um, considering the Nissan GT-R’s I see at pollo tropical and steak & shake, Im definitely daily driving a corvette if I get one.

I never said it would be the public. But still, the money can come from somewhere like it magically can when politicians have their agenda.

Well, the NFL isn’t helping the issue. The New York Giants are supposed to play in New York, not New Jersey.

All I’m reading is excuses. They can fix the issue. If they can plow though & build oil pipelines through people’s homes and villages, then they can fix that bridge issue.

Why is Yoshi’s Island separated at the bottom Jason? And really, its better than Super Mario World. Is it slightly more challenging? Yeah but way more variety and minigames & enemies. Also Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy (nintendo with drugs in its games)

Vanessa always able to make a comment section funny after making an article. +reps.

Its just sad that I mean all the petitions and talk in the world won’t change or lower the number. I mean #&$*! I’ll just have to accept I’ll never get my Mitsubishi FTO. Every year that passes is another year someone in JP junks their FTO or leaves it in some parking garage or runs it into a tree when I could’ve

Minority Report is a fictional movie.

lol yes we get it. its not the 1816 coal engine trains. the “run on fumes” is a figure of speech. We know if there is fuel still left somewhere in the system the car will run. The comments are looking for clarification:

Whats interesting is that they both somehow automatically get that much money regardless of the work (performance) they will do. like wow, I’ve been in the wrong jobs in life.

Well Patrick, unfortunately Stirling Moss & Garry Kasparov don’t share the views of this article. lol they would however love to tell you how awesome they think their ego is though.