
thank you appledee for this. because really there isn’t some “ one trick fits all parenting way”. You are essentially doing a version of the NFL or NBA draft or EIGHTEEN YEARS when you have a kid. The kid may take 8 months longer to learn the alphabet than some other kids. THe kid may end up taking AP college classes

Is this going to be the real life version of Atlantic Express turns into Paupers Drop from Bioshock? holy ****

^This. I mean what do athletes say when they ask them in interviews after doing what fans want to see in them winning? “i just tried to concentrate and make as few mistakes and not think about anything else.”

Those are the kind of engines you take home and talk to. Thats right because you don’t know if your engine has a story to tell to you unless you ask it. Sit down & talk to it and you tell people that you swear it listens and replies back to you just like in the movie Days of Thunder.

To carmakers, its still the 1962 hot rods days apparently. You take your 1962 hot rod out to race and you sled it back home your home garage to work on it if it had any issues as if every person on the planet has the innate knowledge of every working engine and component ever made.

Well its better than nothing. I get the passing aspect. But really some US viewers will take anything other than a oval. Plus its funny sometimes seeing drivers knowing they want to go 180mph having to slow down to like 30mph and getting annoyed by that :P

Believe it or not, a coworker is not happy with that result. He says its not being racist that hes black. He says hes angry and confused why no other racer can win “one frickin race when hes on the grid!”. He says that its like seeing the New England Patriots win all the time.

Andrew, wheres the rest of the photos of the car?

You have to pay $768 to only make phone calls, play ruzzle & instagram the top of peoples heads while you’re supposed to be working. Thats where we are in the 21st century.

That last paragraph is interesting. I think some coaches probably do that. Show the players only what their opponents stats were (because yes basketball players male & female are all into the stat game)

Whats wrong with it? barely any comments.

Really Emma? you went for the low hanging innuendo?

I realize some want to get all granular with what happened here. But really once I read “throwing matches” thats all I needed to read. that person does need to get some assistance and/or sit down and figure some stuff out about his life.

Well Scorpions harpoon or spear or whatever it is can be blocked.

Couldn’t see the video but yeah in New York, people have seen it all right? why would they care about the subway realities and maintenance? They only care about being miserable and having anyone else be miserable.

Ladies are running scared? Why?

That rabbit was thinking football there, because thats a linebacker kind of tackle taking to the skies like that!


I like the comments “some reality to the batmobile”. lol its fiction. And Batman makes an entrance whether its the Batplane or Batmobile. I defy you to say the 1989 Batmobile and the animated Batmobile in the 1990's weren’t the 2 best ones. Theres nothing wrong with admitting how awesome they are Jason.

Was he a nutjob though? he needed resources in a time where there was a lot of **** going on. being born in germany during that time or worse trying to make something of yourself is going to make your history seem chequered.