
I mean look no further than Donald Sterling. Someone like him who 100% was literally white privilege but also at some point included being a bigot. When you are removed from having something you own (ie., a NBA team), cmon you know you’ve F’ed up royally man.

Well Patrick, I hope they make additions to their study to include women.

“A 30ft bomb” Because why not right? it probably would have been 40ft but someone was like whoa just keep to 30ft we don’t want too much destruction. smh

That iron blanket they wrap themselves in...

Rookie mistake Mike. :P

Not relatable, but it is funny. Go AUS!

LOL! I like how the guys voice in the video is so serious with Rule no.7

*sees videos* those valet kids that haven’t grown up yet. hopefully they will mature and realize they can afford their own hellcat not in valet mode if theyre smart...

It wasn’t supposed to be a good movie? It was supposed to be a college film project? (I guess I didn’t get the memo huh >_>)

Yes, it can be being afraid. But it can also be “reading what the scenario currently is and intuition.” sometimes. IMO those people sometimes are just trying to get any job & would like to do so without prompting any risk before getting it (they would rather ask for more money further down the line instead right at

or internet vagina size. we’re about equality here. if it was a girl that was doing that speeding, she gets the same critique. :P

Kristen, which Terminator do you think the beige one is? The liquid metal T-1000 or the newer T-X that can control other machines and toss T-800's around like tissue paper? 8D

So am I to guess there is a hotline where you leave a voice message that goes to your said congress person(s)? I only ask that because I doubt they are taking live calls or else they would never be able to leave the office. :P

So Beth, what you’re saying is that the greed is stopping men from having more options. Cool. Thats all you had to type. :P

Manually sharpen my own pencils Beth? *sees Beths awesome drawings*

Well doing that doesn’t exactly work so well in the long run. Just ask Switzerland. :P

Andy, can someone do a explainer on this federal funding planned parent thing? not all of us are stuck to a newsfeed every 6 seconds.

thats fine you wont get in trouble for that. and the FBI/CIA appreciates your honesty. :P

That or they just like to pull over Ferrari’s a lot. :P

Well the teeth brushing one is pretty much a unknown in the sense of the duration. But in all of our parents defense, in the old days people weren’t really studying hard in the hygiene area. :P