
Patrick, that front end swap only makes you feel okay for like 18seconds. And on the 19th second you want the real thing. And telling car fans to wait over 2 decades? cmon....

Raphael, they are jaded probably because they are hoping one of those meteors will hit the ground and not explode up in the air.

Well she is correct that the structure would need a major overhaul. But the stigma isn’t changing overnight. So what will happen is that men & women that to stay together for 10years before getting married will be looked at as weird (ironically you should marry someone you’ve known for a long time)

Yeah I’d wonder if there was an update to this list to add more countries or whatnot. I mean 2 years doesn’t seem like a long time but....

Um, Im sorry but James Rhodes has the title of War Machine. not only did you get in trouble for hitting women, but you try to take a nickname that doesn’t fit you in any way.

Well Michael sentence that “Kyrie lives in a time where facts don’t matter”. And it is sad that we’re in that kind of time. Every one for themselves now?

Well Patrick, at least they are finally bringing a different model over here which will bring the tally of Alfa Romeo cars to choose from to 2. :P

Well its a sorta lie Raphael. Better tires will be better. taking the crap radio & speakers out for a good audio system is better. Cross drilled/vented rotors are better than the crap ecomony car brakes/rotors. Weight Reduction stage 2 is very helpful (and the A/C unit is a heavy **** that should be removed)

That is true. But Mississippi man, its bad. In 2017 highschool kids are still dealing with a high degree of segregation. And Im sorry but thats a problem from their old white folks and policies that haven’t been changed. Highschool kids can’t do anything about that until the old white folks that hold those state jobs

On the surface, even if Scarlett wasn’t doing a ton of movies, it throws up red flags that she gets put into a live action Ghost in the Shell movie. I think that is what fans and non fans are seeing. I mean Assassins Creed had Fassbender. So man that must mean all the other actors that came in for auditions for that

Ok wait I didn’t know you that you can’t repair the damaged weapon. So you’re telling you have to decide on letting a nice weapon sit in your inventory at 2% use left or using it and it breaking forever?

Well Eric, as long as they let Poongko take his shirt off (which he has proved makes him play better) then yeah it will be unique I guess.

Im so sorry Gita. Id invite you to play Streets of Rage 2 with me instead of “that” game.

I’ve liked the video game pets that “do work”. Meaning they can survive because they were programmed with good AI.

Look, its just like in Gran Turismo 5. You have the nice model cars, then you had your normal cars. the normal cars had less detail by default the nice model cars. And Polyphony Digital said they did that on purpose.

“taking the piss” Barry? is that slang for drunk?

Ok but Yesha, it was New York. you know the place supposedly so awesome they named it twice but everyone has seen it all? :P

“he was with his girlfriend”

A fool and his money are soon parted....

daytime running lights. lol unneeded option on cars