Micro-transactions - my big problem with them is claiming a program is free then selling all of the useful features. I don't mind paying for software but I hate the disappointment of being misled. Being disappointed rarely leads to me whipping out the credit card.

Don't try to work around it, just go to Google News find whatever story the NY Times reported on and click "All 7,194 news articles" and choose one that's not from the NYT. They clearly don't want you freeloading and playing on their lawn (darn kids!). So please, do what's right and get your news from a source that

Xubuntu is great, I recently tried Lubuntu [] also which is incredibly similar. The difference is the window manager XFCE vs LXDE. LXDE is supposed to use less memory, but I haven't measured the differences myself. They're both great free desktops.

Just go to Google News and click on "all 7,705 news articles »" and pick one of the 99.99% not from the NY Times. There's your news.

If you're nervous about joining a gym I'd suggest signing up for a personal trainer or a few introductory classes. Most gyms offer something like that for free or very discounted for new members. Make sure you learn how to use all of the equipment in those sessions. Don't be afraid to ask the people working there how

My biggest annoyance is that I need multiple apps for text messages, e-mail, and google talk. I want one combined inbox for all three (or at least a combined inbox for texts and e-mails).

I will pay for the "pro" version of good apps for my droid. I usually try the free version first so if an app doesn't have a free or light version then I probably won't ever find it on my own. I definitely want to support the good developers and content creators out there.

The "Delete Account" process should specify the account name that you're deleting.

Just remember if you buy ebooks with DRM you will need to make sure all e-readers you buy in the future support that DRM format. If a cool new e-reader or device comes out a few years from now and doesn't support your collection of DRM'd ebooks then you're out of luck.

I want a comprehensive messaging app. I want text messages, google talk, and AIM all combined into one good app.

It's great that the pilots are fighting these invasive techniques, but they're just asking for special treatment for themselves. They don't care about the general population. Unfortunately the rest of us in the general population will still have to choose between strangers taking nude pictures of us or being molested.

gReader does not sync back to Google reader very consistently. So I can read 10-20 items in gReader, and go to Google Reader with my PC and most of those items are still unread. Google Reader's mobile website works better than all of those RSS applications in my eperience (HTC incredible with Froyo).

It's too bad he didn't embrace the change a little and get some publicity for his indie movie. Instead the creator is mad that someone changed a prop that the creator didn't value enough to keep for himself. If he really cared about the suit then it would have been on display in his house somewhere. He wouldn't have

@zjgz: You can use Wubi [] and install Ubuntu right along with XP without actually modifying your system. Then try playing some games through Wine and see if it works.

@iFarbs: That sounds pretty close in specs to my original eeePC. I would suggest a lightweight version of Ubuntu like the Netbook Remix or Xubuntu. They both run great on the eeePC. Whether or not Ubuntu will perform better than XP depends on what you use the laptop for.

@ericesque: Yeah great call, and my car should never have a gas gauge either! While we're at it lets throw out the odometer and tachometer too because they just aren't pretty and the car should "just work."

How about changing the patent system to require a company or inventor to actually create or manufacture or execute your invention before you can sue someone else who has been doing it for years.

@meatbag_pussrocket: Nah the government will realize that patents are a big money maker and find new ways to tax them... to promote the progress of course.

Surprised this wasn't listed under the Eureka and Intellectual Ventures tags. Paul must have been jealous of IV's ability to patent what other companies already do, sue them, and force the companies who actually do work to pay you. Apparently innovation means not doing work and siphoning money out of real companies.