How is failure an option for IV? They don't actually make anything. They buy patents and license them to lawyers who sue large productive companies into paying for the rights to continue doing business they way they always have.
How is failure an option for IV? They don't actually make anything. They buy patents and license them to lawyers who sue large productive companies into paying for the rights to continue doing business they way they always have.
Will you stop trying to legitimize a patent troll?
Ideas are expensive because non-practicing entities (patent trolls) sue productive companies. Money that should go toward "ideas" and R&D goes to lawyers and trolls.
That's a crazy take on IV that I hadn't heard before. The site Techdirt has covered the other aspects of IV for years. Where they sell or license patents to attorneys who setup shell companies to sue people who actually make products: []
Great looking desk, how is the desktop supported? What kind of legs did you use?
Why does it always turn into a fight over Les vs Bear? They do different shows and they're both good. If you like one it doesn't mean you have to hate the other. I like all of these survival shows and I'll watch any of them when they're on.
@rckymtnrfc: Awesome tip
Thanks for the great tip. I'd like to take it a little further and make a folder that has my most common destinations.
This isn't a new fad, young people like communicating... When I was in high school and college the big way of communicating was AIM. Each student would send thousands of IMs per month. No one made weird graphics or headlines because you had no way to track the number sent/received.
@chefgon: He's nothing like Steve Jobs, his shirt has colors and a collar. Get a turtleneck and try again kid!
@NoRegrets78: I'm an Increidble owner/user as well, but I can't get too mad at Verizon. Going on the numbers alone the original Droid has the most users so they're trying to make the most people happy. The Incredible will get Froyo eventually.
I upgraded my original eeePC 4G to Jolicloud 1.0 and it's been working great. I switched from Ubuntu netbook remix to Jolicloud and I'm pretty happy with it. It's perfect for a netbook.
@Xagest: Put up feeders in your neighbors yards.
You know there's some executives in Verizon thinking "5x the data usage means we should be making 5x profits!" Sounds like a great time to push out the data caps and overage fees!
No one has gotten in trouble lately due to taking pictures. The problems are from people recording video which corrupt cops are claiming violates wiretapping laws because they recorded audio also. It would be nice to hear this lawyer's take on those abuses of the law to stop video (with audio) recordings.
This is a great netbook OS. I've used both Jolicloud and Ubuntu netbook remix. I would suggest either one.
I think the people at the RIAA are thrilled by this. Now when they claim that pirated music costs them millions they can point to this article as proof. Then again they blew the money themselves on purpose, but most people don't look too deep into the facts.
That might help BP close off the well. They should try that approach next.
@talkingstove: Thank god someone else has common sense to see this. The iPhone's biggest complaints were signal strength so Apple "fixed" it by misleading customers, and now they're caught.