What idiot sues over a defective product instead of returning it?

If the iPhone 4 doesn't work, why don't you return it? If I bought a TV that couldn't display video I would return it. You bought a defective product - return it.

@buzztechyear: Are you kidding me? The iPhone is a status symbol first and a phone last. It doesn't matter how the bad call quality is, how many calls it drops, and how horrible your coverage is. People will still buy the iPhone because it's pretty.

@ehed: Actually being able to make calls while holding the phone is important to me.

You could have said the same thing about AOL users back in 1999. No one will ever use more than 5mb of data a month because modems are so slow.

The Apple/AT&T column is still wrong - for "unlimited data" it should display the total monthly cost plus the maximum overage fees that a user can rack up. That, or just remove the iPhone's entry in the unlimited column.

Those can't be CEOs at a press event, none of them are wearing turtle necks!

"This is what his close friend—who emailed us the information in the first place—said happened:"

Wow that article misses a huge cost associated with biking - it takes a lot longer for most rural commuters (this does make more sense for you city people).

@dragonskin: I'd rather see a Digg style comment system where you can up/down vote comments. Not all starred commenters make great comments every time. There are many non starred comments that never get promoted. I'd like to see the entire "star" system go away.

I have cable for ESPN, Discovery channel, and local sports. If those go online I'll tell Time Warner to take a hike.

@Matthew Hessler: The prepaid company StraightTalk has $45/month unlimited data, text and minutes. The downside is that you have to use their phones and no 3G.

I shopped around a while ago and the prepaid plans for all of the major carriers sucked. They are still very expensive.

Just wanted to add a quick note, I've been using Firefox for all my webapps just because of Better Greader (which isn't available for Chrome), but I recently found Reader Plus extension for Chrome - [] So now I can use Chrome which takes up less space on my netbook's small screen.

The more streaming content the better. I hate dealing with those dumb red envelopes.

@aaron.lawrence: Yes this should work the same with Boxee as it does XBMC (as far as I know).

@derek.newland: I've used media monkey to fix up my MP3 library with tags and organizing and naming and everything. From what I've seen if your library isn't well kept it will take some effort to get it in good shape.

Where's the creativity? How do they not call that thing a Drorganizer?

@gonzoearth001: I replaced my old slider dumbphone with a new slider dumbphone because the screen was so scratched I could barely read texts. It's just a phone and keeping it pristine and scratch free really wasn't a concern.

@timgray: Boxee combines XBMC, Hulu and Netflix