I’ve been using Bluetooth for audio exclusively for at least a year. I have it in my car, an external speaker, and a pair of cheap Bluetooth headphones ($15 generic QY7s). I’m using an Android phone so charging is easy - the peripherals charge with the same USB cable as the phone. I really hated having a headphone

When I hard boil eggs on the stove they’re difficult to peel. I have a combo toaster-egg poacher that can hard boil up to 4 eggs at a time. When it’s done I put them in cold water for a minute or two then they peel incredibly easy. I’ve done a dozen eggs in three batches and it takes a little longer but it’s much less

That plan worked awesome for Google Reader.

I would be interested in looking at the differences of playoff teams playing each other in the regular season compared to playing each other in the playoffs. A competitive Heat vs Pacers game probably takes longer than the Heat blowing out the Bucks. My guess is TV commercial breaks will be a greater percentage of the

"If you do what you've done, you'll get what you got."

PEDs appear worse in baseball than football because so many high profile players are getting caught. Team leaders and stars are getting caught in baseball. If Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Adrian Peterson got caught with PEDs people would think the NFL has a problem. When mostly anonymous linemen and linebackers get

You're absolutely right. If the post office or Fedex fail to deliver packages they just tell customers to eff off and pay for them anyway or to pay extra for a retry at delivery.

Before Apple entered the e-book marketplace there were no competent competitors to Amazon. It's not an illegal monopoly if all of your competition sucks.

If you run on a treadmill and there's a 'thud' noise every step you take then you're probably landing on your heels which is transferring a lot of stress and impact up through your legs. People who run with proper form are generally quiet on the treadmill.

In the long run it doesn't matter what the study results say. People who over pay for their sound equipment need to justify the expense. The comment threads are a great study in cognitive dissonance: []

I think a better question is:

I've only rooted androids and the root process was easy. There are a lot of different phones, but there's still one way to root each individual phone. It still takes one Google search to find the process, the same number you'd need to search for "how to jailbreak an iPhone."

They found 9 lines out of millions were copied. The 9 lines were in an incredibly simple function that would take a first time programmer just a few minutes to create. 9 out of millions of lines of code is well under the limit for "de minimis" copying [] Which means it's too small and insignificant to

An RSS reader is like a DVR for websites. I never just go to a site and "browse" whatever they decided to put on the front page. I use an RSS reader to make sure I didn't miss anything important/interesting.

If ISPs allowed you to use a wireless internet plan the same way you use a wired plan, wireless could overtake wired quickly. If you were allowed to use a router or hotspot in your home and share the connection without crazy low usage caps and huge overage fees it would be feasible. The only thing holding wireless

You should also add printers to the list along with copiers and fax machines. Anything that uses paper will be replaced by some technology.

I've scanned QRs on a lot of different products just to see where they would lead to. Usually they go to pointless marketing sites trying to convince me to buy what I just bought. There are a few creative beer companies that have made QR codes look cool on their bottles. Magic Hat was the most recent I tried and that

My friends and I all switched to Google chat from a mix of SMS and various IM accounts. No point paying crazy text messaging rates when Gchat is free and we all have Google accounts and most of us have android phones.

Motorola's lawsuit is different because Motorola is suing over patents required to implement industry standards (h.264). Essential patents used for standards are required to be licensed under FRAND (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) terms. Suing two of your competitors is not fair, reasonable, or