I don't see the problem with a 12k watch. The Rolex I want is roughly 15k, and my spouse wants a 20k Rolex. Hoping I can get her to fall for a 5k Rolex, but I sincerely doubt it. The girl has taste, that's for sure.
I don't see the problem with a 12k watch. The Rolex I want is roughly 15k, and my spouse wants a 20k Rolex. Hoping I can get her to fall for a 5k Rolex, but I sincerely doubt it. The girl has taste, that's for sure.
Why? Because they have more money than you? People who are more successful don't deserve sympathy? Do poor black people not deserve sympathy too?
No one ever said that.
THIS IS REAL? Fuck the Fiat I want, this thing is gorgeous.
*I did drugs and had sex with people I didn't know in order to make my life feel interesting.*
Fuckin' exactly.
The trees will hear it, but they'll have just as much wood as I do.
Nah, that isn't extortion; here's the deal, you have a contract with the dealership.
Half* Damn autocorrect.
"Furthermore, I am a little taken aback that an organization such as the BBB would be a party to such extortion attempts. I thought I was a part of a responsible organization, and will have to further examine if I want to be a part of a group that condones extortion."
Slander/Libel involve defamation of character, which they most likely did by CONTACTING YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYER. Pretty easy to prove financial loss through that one.
They fucking contacted your employer?
What a cunt.
Hey Doug, I was wondering what you do for a living?
No, no you didn't.
You can't run a triathlon under 4% body fat. You would most likely pass out from exhaustion. Once you burned your initial stores of glycogen you would be SOL.
Thank god, someone with common sense.
>>Dumbest thing I'v read all day.