Hassan did a fairly long interview on Sacred Symbols Playstation Podcast for those who would like more context
Hassan did a fairly long interview on Sacred Symbols Playstation Podcast for those who would like more context
You could add a lot more to this story if you listened to Hassan going on Sacred Symbols a Playstation Podcast
No problems with this in general. It’s a bit inconvenient for me and my fiance’s work schedule. The incense thing is nice, because it was kind of against the point of the game to just sit around and catch things. As long as they keep the Pokestop distance that would be ideal
It’s so hilarious that people have melt down’s over the views of a creator. It’s not hard to SEPARATE THE ART FROM THE ARTIST. There is no reason to feel bad if you still like Five Nights at Freddy’s, Harry Potter, Ender’s Game or whatever. Like what you like and don’t stress that much or let people make you feel bad…
Hate the slideshow format. But no “Man of the Year”?
This idea that J.K. Rowling is a bigot is ridiculous.
This is ridiculous. I’ve never once thought of as orcs or drow supposing to represent poc. The idea that there aren’t black people in D&D is crazy. Ember the human monk in the 3rd edition books was black, and she was the one of the coolest characters. The indvidual DM’s make the world, and can let you do whatever you…
People are freaking out over nothing. Of course Spiderman would work with the police
Really hope this comes out on console. I love the original two games, and I believe Divinity came out on console, so hopefully this will too!
Have you updated the article where she herself says it was one person?
Maybe they are $40 now. Those memory cards were crazy expensive when the Vita came out
Twin Breakers is coming out soon and that should be pretty sweet!
I don’t understand why it’s hard to understand that people are upset about this. There has been transferring in every generation before this. With virtual console releases you can bring something caught in red/blue all the way to sun moon. And many players have brought their team along. I always catch new ones to go…
How many of those D20's were critical hits though?
This doesn’t really feel relevant to anything
Sucks if anyone is losing their jobs, but I always scrolled past this stuff. I would rather of more coverage of games, and less of esports.
I didn’t realize this decision affected anything, so I picked PrimRose. Her story is pretty good so far, but the battles seem pretty hard, and I’m not sure I’m going to pick up the game
Does Itchy and Scratchy Land not count?
That was one of the few games I got new in box as a kid. We mostly got games at flee markets, but one Christmas I got Star Tropics, Mega Man 6, Wario’s Woods, and Kirby’s Adventure. I threw out the letter, because it didn’t seem important, and I never noticed the warning on the back of the manual