
Is this a full game or more of an expansion/add on like The Old Blood was for the last Wolfenstien game?

Why no Supergirl from CW?

I won’t be buying this. No option to buy speretely. That seems like a joke. I’d buy the story pack, but I have no interest in a hard mode. And let’s all remember the good old days where a hard mode would have just been included. Remember to vote with your wallets

Cross buy with WiiU? I got those games on WiiU, but would rather play them on the go.

Expensive...But Final Fantasy VII with trophies...

They usually do have that disclaimer in the credits like most films.

Sony has used that technology to support the cross buy features on Vita

It's a rare game that was printed in a limited run in this country. It's going for $149.99 new on amazon / $93 used right now. This sort of thing used to happen all the time back on the SNES / PS1 with rare JRPG's. Marvel vs Capcom 2 went for $100 or more for a used copy back on the PS2, and Baldur's Gate 2 was always

I still have my NES hooked up to my and enjoy playing it all the time. That thing is 20 years old and still works like a charm

Microsoft has just become a shady company. If it hadn't been for the DRM and the 180 I very likely would have preordered an X-Box instead of PS4. I would respect them more if they had kept the DRM on digital games. There is nothing stopping them from authenticating if you installed through X-Box Live or via Disc. But

Maybe Nintendo is upset they aren't playing Brawl?