
Don’t tell me what to do, guy, or I'll be touching your face. With my fist! 

That’s the flaw of the Good Place, it’s only bliss, nothing challenging. Only bliss will get boring after a while. I do not think this special door to end existence is the final resolution to the good place’s issues. We have one more two part episode to get the real resolution. I think the real resolution will be that

Awesome! Sounds like we had different subjective experiences with this episode! For the record, I love this show and the last time I dropped by AV Club to comment about it was to give the Timothy Olyphant episode an "A."

I don’t agree with a lot of what you’ve said, but I agree the way they’ve dropped characters and plot points suddenly this season, and dragged out others for way too long, has been unsatisfying. What’s happened to Simone? They haven’t so much as mentioned her. Chidi, who was dating her (so presumably has some feelings

The finale could obviously change my mind on this of course, but right now I feel like I’d rather have a whole season in the Good Place than like 7 episodes about the experiment.

Oh god.

“It is eternity without the possibility of an end that would get boring.”

Every single one of Chidi’s reactions was comedy gold, I tell you.

.....are you drunk

I can’t see there being a God because it wouldn’t fit into the universe of the show. The show hasn’t exactly been anti-religious- it is all about being a good person, after all- but without a religious component to it. It’s humanistic instead of religious.

I wonder if there are any early hominins there.  Otherwise, no one has been there more than 200,000 years or so.  I did not see any in the crowd.

Did the showrunners/writers mean the good place specifically as a metaphor for right now, where the ultimate goal seems to be that everything that you want appears instantly when you hit a button (or just ask Alexa), and you do not have to know anything, because you just Google it? And how this might be turning our

Your mention of Brent made me consider something. So, Michael’s Bad Place ended up making Team Cockroach better people. What if The Good Place, in its endless riches and utter boredom, turned all of those borderline saints into absolute monsters? I mean, you get absolutely anything you want, at any time, with no

The Good Place writing crew were right. People really hate moral philosophy professors

It still seems possible that pretty much all of those activities could blur into feeling like minor variations-on-a-theme.

Will not be surprised if they are all still in the Bad Place and Michael is still a demon torturing them.

It’s not that kind of show, but I would think the Good Place would have a whole different set of issues. With an eternity of fighting boredom and no threat of death, people would end up exploring some dark fucking fantasies. We’re talking Hellraiser on meth with a side of Cronenberg. The Soul Squad would show up and

Eh, B/B-. This all felt kind of rushed. They arrive at the Good Place, they find out what’s wrong, and they fix it (supposedly) almost immediately. Given how many episodes were devoted to the experiment at the beginning of the season and the dilemma of how to design a new evaluation system, it feels weird that our

she got horrifically mutilated and murdered by a mob around 415 AD

I was hoping the solution was going to be to employ the Good Place people in creating and running the system they’re using to figure out who gets into the Good Place. It would give them stakes and keep their minds working. Humans are intelligent animals and usually like to solve problems or feel like they’re