
I’m late to reply, but this is a common problem with newer (post-1970's) Pyrex dishes. The formula was changed to save money (switching from borosilicate glass to soda-lime glass). Obviously the damage has already been done, but in the future you might look for older Pyrex glassware, thrift shops are really great for

Your post really made me think about what to do once my sweet kitties leave us. We adopted them at the same time, but our younger female cat (Star) *hates* our older male cat (Shamrock), chases/tackles him constantly and won’t ever sleep near him. We are lucky that Shamrock is such a lovebug that he never uses his

Jesus. That clip sounded like the kind of rambling I get into if I’m trying to talk politics with my husband while drunk. But he’s the goddamn president, and presumably sober. Nothing but word salad and projection.

Same, mostly retirees. Two interesting ones I found: CFO of a women’s shelter, and a missionary at “Russian Harvest Ministries”, which is apparently a church that travels to Ukraine to bother people about Jesus.

Hah! My 62-year-old, very prim and proper mom takes CBD capsules for anxiety. I’m sure she’d be super fun to hang out with when high, but no it doesn’t work that way...

I read cursive on a daily basis due to my interest in genealogy (and sometimes the handwriting is very bad), and I also read it as “Pantisantenist” the first time!

For North Dakota, please donate to the Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo. It is the only abortion clinic left in my state.

This kind of reminds me of something that happened with me a few years ago. I went to a Kinko’s to print out a photo on cardstock and get a few things laminated. I had to enter my email address in the kiosk so I could download the photo from Google docs. After I left, on the bus home, I got an email from the guy who

Yes! I have a lab-grown yellow sapphire in my wedding ring! It was SO CHEAP for the size, the only semi-expensive part was the setting/band. It cracks me up that it’s “worth” less than natural sapphires given that it’s internally flawless and can be made in almost any color and size. Sure, in 50 years if someone tries

Oh, I love that show! It would have given her an opportunity to have her Native heritage (however very small) verified and explained, and she could have used that opportunity to apologize for making it seem bigger than it was. DNA can be useful in genealogy, but combining it with records is really what helps tell the

Arabella (Latin for “yield to prayer”)"

I’m off Monday (by coincidence of schedule), but working Tuesday night (Christmas!). Gotta bake bagels for Wednesday morning. I tend to stretch the holiday season from November to February though, so I’m not too bothered :) And my lone night-shift coworker gets to visit his grandma instead of working, so that’s nice :)

My husband was also recommended by his doctor to take fish oil for chronic dry eye (eyes not producing enough tears, caused major problems when he tried using contacts). Can’t say for sure if it’s helping, since he also had surgery done on his eyes to stimulate the tear ducts at the same time he got laser vision

OMG, YES! Loaned Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, hardback, to a friend in middle school. Finally got it back 3 years later with the spine broken. Trust no one :|

Sorry if I gave you the impression that I’m trolling, I’m not. I realized actually that the reason we’re having this miscommunication is that in your first post you started off with a false premise about how DNA is inherited. You get 50% of your DNA from each parent, I think we can agree on that. But which DNA each

No, I’m sorry, but that’s just not true. You’ve been fooled by what commercial DNA tests tell you, or maybe you’ve just completely misunderstood what they’re saying.

I am saying that there is about a 50% chance that 4th cousins will not share DNA. I’d love to see your source that they will “always, always” share DNA, because literally everything I’ve seen thus far in my genealogical research has suggested otherwise.

Right. If she has Native American ancestry, it could be far enough back that it doesn’t show in a DNA test. Inheritance is random, I have a 3rd cousins I don’t match with (about a 7% chance of that), and there’s a 50% chance that 4th cousin’s won’t share DNA. I won’t speak to whether it was appropriate for Elizabeth

8th grade, the morning of picture day, I had a curious and stupid thought. What would happen if I pressed a sonic toothbrush up against my forehead? The answer is, it brushes away your flesh, and you end up with a circular scab right in the middle of your face. My eternal thanks go out to the photographer who

Recently discovered Eefje de Visser (was specifically searching for music in Dutch because I am trying to learn the language). I’ve had “Hartslag” stuck in my head for days!