Merril Hoge would be disgusted by Tebow's look there.
Merril Hoge would be disgusted by Tebow's look there.
They threw a party. It was like a party. It was the most miserable game ever.
I was thinking (with AJ's image fixed to the right while scrolling):
Later Monday evening, the same Best Buy was robbed by four gunmen toting a Glock 23, a 12-gauge shotgun, a 57 FN handgun and a Smith and Wesson. Police said the two incidents are unrelated.
Emmitt Smith believes Ostertag is an appliance brand and Flat Top is a drug name from The Wire
He'd probably fit easily if he didn't have a ham a day.
The slang, the attitude, the catchphrases
Norris Cole has never watched Coronation Street
Nice try Jeromy, but we all know those shampoo bottles belonged to Moises Alou.
Tebow's comebacks depended on luck and good defense
Rick Pitino Prematurely Ejaculates
How do you habitually spray shit directly underneath the toilet seat?
I even put him over Tom Brady.
It's nice to see Herc is no longer working for that slimeball, Maurice Levy.
Dickey tells the Journal, "It's not like I play for a good team."
Snow Falling On Cedarlings
Barkley will start moving again once his passenger finishes.