
i hate my generation....

I mean..... duh? isnt Google simple doing what its meant to do and has been doing this whole time? If the company interferes and starts filtering things out, that cause a whole other issue...

I’ve noticed it, and its good, ive always sent out compliments when i see something good, even on the other team!...

but i also hate how volatile and fragile people get... sometimes My team of rando’s and i do bad... and i point it out. I dont brag about myself or anything, and admit when i was playing like crap too (I

nah, the Kermit impression set him back a bit.

hit and run they will do something... also, that guy seemed like he was just gonna chill at the animal hospital he got to safely had the moto guy not been there... i get the moto guys intentions, but that was a long cvhase where not at one point common sense, or even the damn dispatcher told him to back off after


It’s like Trump didn’t think this would be as hard as it is... oh wait..

.....hahahahhahahahhahahahhaha its funny because its true hahhahahahahahha...

*commences slow clap*

tell us how you really feel?... and if you ask me, Libby is a fucking amazing writer if she has been able to some how *make* you read , and even comment on Libby Watson’s political articles, on a tech site....

lmao... dude thats all you do here, bitch and complain about the writing... what are you getting from this??

this game looks so intense XD

theres so many negative people in the comments.. you do realize Comedy probably has the most diverse range when it comes to opinions and preference? Or do you want everyone t simply like the same type of comedy, and have TV filled with that one style and we all become bland? A good amount of people love his comedy,

i like it, but it essentially becomes an audiobook/podcast if the visuals arent necessarily matching what she is saying lol

cant people have opinions? to be fair i can call human prejudice because you think deep dark black eyes are stunning...

doesnt that defeat the purpose of “Bumper” cars?

griefing and poor teamwork?.... what if thats just your skill level?... and why cant you grief?!?!... What over watch needs is better matchmaking... too often it tries to pair groups up, and favors that intsead of skill... 9/10 times when theres a group, there are on or two players sub level 20 that are just REALLY

“did you turn it off and on again”

its a joke to many IT issues... but it became a joke for a reason.... thats the FIRST thing i though to do when i couldn’t connect to wifi.... To be fair, i thought it was just my console being on for so long and never having a true “off”

Zero is a little too hard on himself lol... maybe wait a day before announcing things in public/social media and your head has settled? seems a little dramatic lol


ive always known that its too much for people to be able to get that many followers, that easily. Its fucks with people psychologically... Why do you think so many celebrities have a managers, PR Teams, Speech’s written for them, and often times have drug/alcohol-abuse problems?

theres no way of knowing, because he wasnt dumb enough to do it, so your argument literally has no ground and its stupid for ANYONE to continue