
why is it taking them so long to fix Bastion... isnt it widely accepted that hes a bit too OP right now?

Also... how does stuff that is THAT broken/OP getr passed the QA, ESPCIALLY since they have runs on PTR to tes ti t out.... and certain things are blatanly obvious in every game... why push out the patch if its

... i actually find this very adorable and nice.... am i doing it wrong?.... this is exactly what animals do, and is pikachu not an animal?...

have they fixed the stupid framerate issues?

I was super excited to play the game, but within the first 10 minutes of playing, when docked, im getting framerate drops/issues?!?! I wanted to fully enjoy it, so i never went passed the 10 minutes, because I just cant deal with a brand new console that just launch, not

sucks that you have to go a week not able to use your brand new console because Nintendo seems to keep doing the bare minimum

i actually really dislike that you can go out that far, it’d be weird if you dies simply for going out far horizontally (i understand dying by “falling” too low, it looks like they were near to ground level, and pharah was just above roof height)

Also, it doesn’t bother me that winston doesnt have to land, since the

this is all annoying me... I think its easy and clear to see whats going on...

Today, its way too easy to become “famous”. Whether it be a girl who posts provocative photos daily, or a person who discusses current news. All they need is a camera and internet connection, and we all have that. So these people become

wait... what??...

“Watch the journey unfold... on Apple Music”

Why the shit are they putting their first TV Show to break into producing, inan app called “Apple Music”...

i think the opposite will happen... the ADD kids will all be in the arcade, while the more serious players who care, will be playing competetive... even if the non-serious people want a normal game, they can just do Quickplay, and leave Comp out of it.

noooooo.... depends on the person.... lmao

another matrix-esque theory...
what if that is us... and when WE get shut down, its what we have perceived as the “Rapture”... all the actual users log off for good, and the ones left behind are NPC’s.

i think its a combination of bad hardware sales of the floppy Wii U... and the fact that its almost the exact same game on Wii U and 3ds... I would rather have it portable since its more geared for that anyway (quick fights/matches)...

very much like Hyrule Warriors... I would have gotten the 3ds version, but the Wii U

thats nifty, but not much more than that... as everyone mentioned, he isnt helping the team, he went off solo, He single Ult’ed (yeah he got others, but was covering his own ass), They scored while he could have done something, got lucky with the lack of defense....

I am more impressed with the Genji staying on his ass

Dude i just saw a commercial for La La Land for the first time after reading the article... its SOOOO stereotypical and predictable and seems like its been done too many time before, but never fails.

lmao, thats exactly the feeling i got after just now watching the first trailer for it... not surprised it won...

exactly this. I used to work in staging, and in conventions/bigger companies, the people working the booth/from the company, and the people who set it up/break it down are rarely the same people... I used to get some free cool stuff this way (from people who actually worked at the company/booth lol, i wouldn’t dare

they need to nerf Symmetra... she should no be able to run around in the middle of a battle, and kill everything easily without aiming, just running around holding down a button ...

lmfao XD

I feel like you really spoke from the heart, put a lot of thought, and were rightfully strict here... I would say 4 pumas.

and no mention of how Blizzard hates Zarya, my main? :( she hasn’’t gotten any real skins for any of the events so far... all her skins suck right now (goth... really?)

and this time around its literally just color changes, not even stand out-ish ones... its a more basic skin than mei’s lol

a pretty valid reason actually... if you have had macbooks in the past, then out of nowhere people can hear you typing in your office, or enough to annoy someone in the same room... its the whole mechanical keyboard thing all over again, alot of people dont like them because not everyone likes clicky keyboards