
I don’t like this trend of releasing/selling unfinished games... It’s going to be hard to find an audience to be excited for Co-Op, this far after the initial release. Anybody who was interested in Halo, has had more than enough chances and time to jump into it, and possibly beat the campaign already, and

Apple says you can connect up to three Studio Displays to your MacBook Pro to create a full 3D animation studio.

Agreed, I think the speakers could actually be very good, but I also agree with OP, in that anybody remotely professional, will either be using some good cans, or dedicated studio monitors.

Geforce Now

People need to remember that freedom to be who you are/want to be, works both ways... 

*sigh* I completely agree with the first paragraph, but as I read through it, I more and more hoped that the writer was black themselves... the comment section would have been insane lol

I thinks its just a classic case of the odd desire to want to “save” somebody, especially a man. That, on top of his health issues, he has the whole "pity, but desireable” thing going

I dunno... Sure it *couldlevel the playing field, but then it would make no sense why firebenders (and fire bending in general) are/is so feared, and is actually able to conquer most of the world... If they had that limitation, there's no way they could risen to where they were in the show

Reminds me of the Whipser app, you can post up any anonymous note/message, and have anonymous people reply publicly, or privately. Its all location based and you can set how far to search nearby for the notes/messages.

completely agree... I did it in one sitting aswell, and i either had a drink, or smoking, but what what made it SO much more amazing was that i had no idea until the end that those other characters i came across were other people playing :’)

what i would love to see is a group can print out a bunch of shirts, with simply “#FreeHongKong” written on it, legibly, across the front and back, and then just hand them out to everyone, especially teams, at Blizzards next big event... the cameras wont be able to get around it. Then what? ban everyone there?

i like the part where the 11-13 year old kid took photos on front of car he cant, perhaps not even know how to even drive...

Jesus Christ it’s LGBTQIA+ now? Can we just start using “Other”?

aside from everything else in this article, and how painful it is to have this happen to you...

I just realized how TERRIBLE quoting someone out of context can be... When i saw Muma’s video, i was smiling and having a good time, and he was too all the way till the end, when they realized the mistake they made.... BUT

this isnt the best place to bring this up, but while this is terrible, in all honesty, what the heck are we supposed to do with all these immigrants w/children that get caught? Arrest the adults, and simply drop off the kids in bordering cities like TJ/Juarez?... thats even more inhumane considering the status of

What sort of Narrative games have worked best for your gf and yourself? been trying to find something aswell :)

yeah but... which human? there are some god awful drivers that shouldn’t be driving... its all circumstantial and would probably trust autonomous cars more than certain drivers.... so that argument is VERY hard to hold

I think the issue here is that people/court/law is badly looking for someone, or something, to blame.... and thats where we didn’t think ahead. Because if you thought there would NEVER be an accident with autonomous driving... dream on...

damn, Heather gets triggered easily... how professional...

this entire article, even the title, is written in a way where its still a “theory” or a mystery whether there are bots in the beginning, and you play it up that way, only to say, “yes. they are bots! but let me guide you through the process i took to figure it

you underestimate the Asian community...