@brightpeonies: Anything that touches her crotch is fair game...jeans, shorts.
@brightpeonies: Anything that touches her crotch is fair game...jeans, shorts.
@brightpeonies: I would rub habanero peppers in her underwear and watch the bitch itch & burn.....
@Malle.Babbe: Skee-balls? How appropriate lol!
@MunkaMunka: My spaghetti is all over my damn keyboard from laughing mid chewing!!!
@xpenley: I'm not a violent person and don't condone it.
@bookling: Awesome story...permission to use ASSBUTT?
@MFPDH: Kudos to the Spanish pop songs. Hilarious!
@harveyjane: As a female who's black as well, I apologize...
@oldscrumby: How do you mark your territory with bleach?
@bobella is owltastic!: I need you in my house next Halloween.
@katidid: Love it love love it!
@heyitsmle: @i'm going to have my friends call me valerie: It kills the buzz of the thrill of the chase...at least that's how I reason it out.
@VTachy: They even come in a four pack ( the horror!!)
@Future Cat Lady of America: (see Windex) that's what ripped abs smell like.
@toxicrocker: is an EGALITARIAN!: They're both bad and they can both be bought at ANY gas station!
@Future Cat Lady of America: I'm thinking of dumping it out and toppin git with water!
@cand86: Ready...1....2...SHOVE!!
@missbossypants: Hahahaha I have to agree with you on that, disturbing as it may be.
@Nell_fersher: She said, and I quote...she has friends who are fatter than she is.