Tell me how fucked up this is. My in law of sorts and I went to watch a cage fight downtown yesterday.
Tell me how fucked up this is. My in law of sorts and I went to watch a cage fight downtown yesterday.
@snacktastic: Such a catty comment....hmmmph!!
@CandyBacon: Allow me to make us both chuckle.....
@CandyBacon: Their version is funnier than shyt!
@apricotmuffins: Ofcourse that made me google it.
@Uncommon_Whore: I'm too sessy for this man...too sessy for this sessy it hurts...
@Na zdrowie: @spiraloflife: A double vajayjay's not horrifying.
@kittyclaws: I definitely will look up tomorrow. I'm at work so I dare not tread there.
@Oleander: Me too!
@Oleander: Yes I have.... I found a "fetlifist" who does body painting...something I've always wanted to do.
@MichelleMyBelle: Well, on your day off you could stalki him and tell him what I said.....ah never mind.
@thenewmrssalazar: He's not even tempting fate, he's welcoming it with open arms!
@nolagringa001: Well there ya go!
@Dangling Modifier: Mom? I too have a forehead, though I like to convince myself that I have more room for my awesome brain.
@MichelleMyBelle: You should have told him that he was starting to give you enough reason to start making him use the handicap parking spot.
@nolagringa001: Maybe he thinks that if he was to confirm that he finds you physically attractive, he would somewhat lose some "power" over you?
Thanks to the Jezzie who mentioned last Saturday!!!
@godotmo: I second Pinto Beans...I also suggest you show up in your jammies.
@Queenjulie: @methodinmy: @boxspelunker: @envirodesigner: Imagine the ( tv) awkwardness that would ensue if a contestant was to say that. Pure gold!
Why is it EVERY participant on Wheel Of Fortune says how they say "I'm happily married to my beautiful wife." Or "I'm happily married to my wonderful husband."