
@Tigereyes258: Worry not, rumour has it they're coming out with a thong version soon.

@Beat Girl: Been there. It sucked. I reacquainted myself with my former FWB guy who's a trainer whom Mr. Moniker doesn't like ( for the sheer fact that we used to fuck, has never met the guy)

@Gretchen: Holy mackerel, 4000 sq ft?

@thecameralovesyou: Yes yes and yes....I have this man in my wallpaper on my phone....shirtless, laying in bed...long torso exposed.

@Gretchen: Yowza...9 cats? I have a Maine Coon mix and it drives me nuts picking up clumps of fur during summer.

@herfalsecoloredeyes: Woman don't even start me on that....I reigned high on the boning FOF totem pole ( pun intended)!

@andromache liebes the Deutsch: @lalie (apologetic mess): Please join the queue on your left and have in hand, a Beggin Strip per Tucker's request.

@that damn monkey: @Marsgaret: @Sapphire: @thecameralovesyou: We've had him 3 weeks now. Took him a few days to warm up to me... two weeks to warm up to Mr Moniker.

@aisuru113: Sewing on Nyquil. My mirror ball foresees a trip to the ER.

The new addition, a one year old rott pup. He thinks he's a ten pound lap dog as opposed to the whopping 96 lbs that he is.

@herfalsecoloredeyes: Me too. My pal & I were dick cruising courtesy of CL's casual encounters.