
Automatic headlamps mandatory.

There is no joke, he hates no Jews (most likely), all he wants are clicks, that is his thing, he knew this BS was going to generate a lot of noise and get him lots of clicks. THAT. IS. IT.

Usually, people who are racists are ignorant, ignorant to the point of not understand jokes or satire. If they were more aware, they would be emotionally smart enough to find that shit is not funny, no setup, no commonality of life problems, no punchline, nothing.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

Actually, some female deer do sport antlers.

Fuck you, New Jersey is fine. I also live in Maryland. It’s no better than Jersey. But being close to NYC is better than being close to DC.

As an official White Person From Connecticut™, I can brook much of this ribbing in good humor. My tartans and cakes and mug toppers will survive this onslaught of Magaryisms. My holiday good cheer will continue apace and my cup will runneth over with nasty-ass truffle oils while I listen to the Non-specific Winter


I have been watching my boyfriend play it since it came out. It is by far the least boring/annoying game for him to play while I read on the couch. That’s high praise on my girlfriend of a gamer video game review scale.


I am no man.

Women don’t play video games, silly!

Because the sky belongs to a woman, obviously. It’s No Man’s Sky. Women are still eligible for sky ownership.

It’s honestly a perfect symbol for Chrysler.

Exactly. When they first came out people were crazy about them. They barely sat on lots and everyone thought they were so damn cool.

It was honestly a good car when it came out in 2001. It was stylish, decent bargain, reasonably equipped, and fairly fuel efficient.

What supplier base? The 25%? They also make the Astra in Germany, where the majority of parts are made. It’s almost a no brainer.

Maybe cuz that damn ant is obviously going to drown.

Just popped in to pick a nit. The catalytic converter doesn’t filter or trap, it catalyzes. It provides a substrate that facilitates reactions that break down unwanted byproducts of combustion. Nothing is trapped in the catalyst, it is reacted to something less harmful and released.

Take the car part into question, but for 20 grand, it sure is exotic on the cheap!

He wasn’t too drunk to MANUALLY ENTER THE MULTIPLIER in the app to confirm his ride. Fuck that guy. Uber is guilty of some horrible anti-labor shit but I have no sympathy for these idiots who can’t do math.