
In Butlerian you didn’t find the characters motivations and intentions incredibly shallow/lacking true depth?

Mostly not very good but I just can’t stop. It’s not quite “hate reading,” but it’s not, NOT “hate reading.” I can’t recommend them unless you suffer from the same completist pathology I do.

Not enjoyable at all. Save your time and money while protecting yourself from amateurs ruining Frank Herbert’s priceless work for you.

Sadly, his technical skill was strong enough that he would get passable peer feedback and evaluations. Every year a strong list of technical accomplishments and so he managed to stay employed on that basis alone.

Really hiding your light under a bushel here champ. Careful, you’ll end up like Jorp.

Thank you for standing up for racist white guys everywhere.

Now playing

And for those who believe that it will stop when orange foolius gets kicked to the curb, and that ‘conservatives’ will somehow go back to being sensible:

You do understand that this article is about AMERICANS wishing for a second AMERICAN Civil War. I don’t need to specify American Civil War. It’s clear to everyone which war I’m referring to thankyouverymuch.

So uh, these guys realize that the Civil War was about the south succeeding from the union meaning they would be fighting against their lord and savior Dickweed McCunt... right? I can’t.

“The anarchist cookbook...” Well someone’s going to blow their hands off inbetween making drugs from banana peels.

I’m sorry but COVID-19 is your fear? Not the global/national initiative to reduce coal use?

Kentucky keeps voting Mitch Mconnell to the senate. Until this changes, I will have a hard time mustering sympathy for them. 

But these folks will still vote for Trump in November. He’s like a slow motion Jim Jones, except he is also the cool-aid.

....or people don’t have paid time off and/or health insurance and literally can’t afford to take time off work and/or get tested and treated.

Oh look, here’s a popular souvenir sold at every wingnut convention FOR THE PAST 40 YEARS. Obviously, the poor wittle snowflakes’ feelings are what’s most important here.

Yes, the most bare-bones description of the movie is about liberals hunting conservatives. But the movie isn’t pro-liberal, nor is pro-conservative. If anything, it’s anti-both of them, aiming to be a humorous, over-the-top action satire showing the worst extremes and how that can lead to major issues.

Have you seen Rodrigo Duterte? It’s a safe bet that she voted for him

He looks exactly how I would imagine.