Nooo, the Space Shuttle was a massive waste of time and money. If we had stuck with conventional rockets we could have advanced so much farther already.
Nooo, the Space Shuttle was a massive waste of time and money. If we had stuck with conventional rockets we could have advanced so much farther already.
I think it’s a bit optimistic to think that their rage will subside after only one day. These are the same folks that are ‘still’ complaining about the trailer for Battlefield V.
The same party that didn’t let a Democratic president nominate a Supreme Court justice in February because of an election in November (“Let the people decide!”) now wants to rush through sweeping legislation after the people have indeed decided.
*Brett Kavanaugh, writing for the majority opinion*— “Even though President Trump fully admitted to coordinating and working with foreign entities to help his own chances in a federal election, we find that he was only doing so in a capacity to “own the libs” and not in any criminally defined variant. The right to…
Love it when folks earnestly scream “perjury trap!” It’s just the most moronic thing. It’s like calling “robbery trap!” because a store dared to have money in its cash register.
I believe it is vital that they be held accountable. Every time a president behaves badly and gets off Scott free it sets a dangerous precedent by lowering the bar for every president that comes after, essentially further eroding the dignity of the office, eroding the stature of the republic, and eroding the foundation…
Sure, vintage Harley Knuckleheads still bring in some money, too, but I’m really referring to how people see the brands in the future and whether they’ll still be “cool.” When the majority of Porsches on the road today are 4-door kid haulers, and the majority of Submariners are seen on the wrists of middle-aged guys…
“Let’s be clear about what happened here — Donald Trump Jr misstated statistics so he could attack Angus King with a neo-Nazi dogwhistle,” ThinkProgress journalist Aaron Rupar tweeted.
I’m going to assume you’re sincere and explain how the Right fits even the definition you proposed. (For now I’ll be courteous and not include the Republican political party under this banner.)
He passed healthcare reform basically. That’s what these dipshits believe...that using Senate procedural tactics to reconcile a bill = dictator to these imbecile turnip fuckers.
It’s all those things he never did, man! But I swear that he WANTED to!
You know, the ‘Obama = totalitarian’ thing gets trotted out every so often, and I never have really heard a good rationale for it. Can you elaborate? I genuinely have no idea where that comes from, because I never really got that sense from his administration. Happy to hear your explanation of your viewpoint though.
I will bet anything that more than half the people appointed by Trump have been taping everything. No one trusts anyone else.
DC is a one-party state—as long as one person in the conversation knows it’s being recorded, it’s legal—so there’s no prosecution possible there. She didn’t have a security clearance, so nothing she should have been privy to was classified; no one with clearance should have been telling her anything that required it.
The kind of person who fetishizes the military despite never serving creeps me the hell out.
Well, Florida Rep. Kim Daniels (repping Jacksonville) sure has a plan. After the Parkland shooting, she sponsored a bill that requires public schools to have “In God we Trust” (the state motto) posted in a conspicuous place. Because that will make shooters put away their guns and/or make students’ skin bulletproof. Or…
Shooting in area where guns aren’t allowed: “See? Gun bans don’t work!”
Please have some of my very effective “thoughts and prayers”.