
She’s running in like a D+20 district, in a wave year, with the enthusiastic endorsement of the guy she beat. Her campaign isn’t that fragile.

The GOP isn’t afraid of her. They LOVE her because they can use her for their scaremongering tactics to rile up their own base. The people who are scared shitless are the Democrats. 

This is a very important point. If you don’t want to go with the NHS, there’s nothing stopping you from going private. IIRC my recent quote (for a 42-year old man) was £70 per month. Good luck getting anything close to that in the the US.

The problem with this (aside from the obvious one) is that the worst of it would likely happen after Trump is out of office, and his low-knowledge base will just move on to blame whoever the successor is and keep kissing Trump’s ass.

At this point, I kind of want Trump to get everything he wants. Yeah, the results would suck, but I feel like we’re long overdue for a good old school-of-hard-knocks lesson in the dangers of populist governance.

I hope our Northern neighbors realize that most of us REALLY fucking hate the guy.

If they follow the Silmarillion, it will be pretty dark and violent, but very different from GoT, it is still a black and white morality world, just that the bad guys are almost constantly winning, until they lose at the last moment.

For someone who has “played all of the Baldur’s Gate games” there’s a surprising lack of mention that Mimics aren’t a Dark Souls creation, but one of the oldest D&D monsters that video games have been straight up stealing for decades.

Simple: Everybody knows that Nazis Are Bad. Anybody who has grown up in western pop cult since WW2 has this already ingrained into a cultural shorthand. Now, White Supremacists think that they themselves are good. (Spoiler: they are not) Ergo, ispo facto, whatever is on the other side of them are bad, and since Nazis

To them it’s just a word now - Nazi is a synonym for BAD WORST INSULT, BADNESS! and has nothing to do with actual policies, reality, or history. They wouldn’t know a real Nazi if an SS guard hit them in the face. Fuck these people so much.

I saw something written about how Pruitt believes in states’ rights to regulate themselves... but is vehemently against California’s attempts to more heavily regulate emissions controls.

It’s like he wants to remind everyone about collusion. Collusion is actually the one he *might* have a chance to get away with given the wishy washy laws involving that. He not only has to be proven to have been directly involved with doing so, but they have to find a definitive angle where that is expressly illegal

Where were you in the last two years? He does that because it works, it’s called the illusion of truth. And it works really, really well, especially when an entire news network blasts it all day long. The same people who say he will be impeached said he never had a chance at the election.

I didn’t quite see it mentioned in the comments explicitly, but I read earlier this year that one of the main reasons Donald Trump doesn’t have one of the top legal firms representing him is that to defend him in the myriad cases he has to defend himself against, this top firm will have to do untold research and

I wonder if the “conflict” is the fact that diGenova once argued in a Wall St. Journal OpEd that presidents can be indicted while in office?

Yes, if only those Scrooge McDucks over at union HQ would share in their bounty, the way that selfless Delta executives do.

All of this is just cringy to read and shows just how much companies don’t get people when they try to target a specific ethnic group. It all read as cluelessness put together by a Pandora outside marketing firm collab.

I’m an amateur astronomer, with a nice telescope, who enjoys observing the night sky as much as anyone.

Yup. Anything with the agility of a capital ship is not going to be able to dodge a hyperspace missile, even a small one. Shields are obviously useless against it.

This scene bugged the shit out of me but not for the reason described.