Mark Schaffner

I can agree that Apple has made missteps lately, for sure. I really think they need to reevaluate. Without Jobs there I’m sure it’s been hard, he seemed to guide a lot of their direction. If they don’t find their way soon I could easily see them starting to lose footing, especially with how Google has tried to get

Actually, both Dark Sky and Carrot add both hourly and daily, which was my mistake. I do agree it’d be nice if Apple would revamp it, but I don’t feel that a 5-hour outlook is “useless” since a single tap takes you to the app with more information. It’s meant for a quick-glance situation. For example, had you

It is useless, because you can’t actually click any of the items to find out what they are or anything. It’s a totally non-interactive static image. If you were able to know what every square represented and not just a few it would actually be a bit more useful. You could look at what the low-calorie main items

The little “show more” in the corner does add hourly weather below it. Yes, it makes it taller, but I’ve found that to be the case with both Dark Sky and Carrot Weather as well, two others I’ve bought over the years. It’s really not that horribly designed, in my opinion. It would be nice to add the option for daily

While I do in fact like the app you’re suggestion, the reality here is that they are two very different apps for two very different people. One is for someone who simply wants to know if their wifi network is working well or not, the other is for someone who wants detailed information about all aspects of the

Whenever I steam veggies, mostly in a pressure cooker, I’ve noticed the water takes on some color and/or scent from them. Does this happen with any steaming involving a lid? If that’s the case, might want to make sure the flavors will be complimentary to whatever you’re cooking in the dutch oven to begin with.

Skip to 13:15 for results. Basically, the RTIC works better. These situations are a 50/50, in that the video is boring as hell, but had they not made it so long and shown things in intervals people would just claim they’re lying. I’d preferred to have seen a time-lapse photography or FF video proving they only

Skip to 13:15 for results. Basically, the RTIC works better. These situations are a 50/50, in that the video is

Sadly, without boiling your luckiest bet is just plain old elbow grease and something caustic (like oven cleaner) or at the very least abrasive (like steel wool or to a lesser degree the salt and/or baking soda people often suggest). Oven cleaner works wonders to get deeply baked on stains off of metal, though, as

I’ve seen these kinds of things on Lifehacker before, about boiling something or other in a pan to get baked-on crap off of it, and every time I point out that you don’t actually need anything but water. Boiling water will get the crap off almost entirely by itself, don’t bother wasting anything else. I’ll sometimes

If they used to offer it, and now they don’t, their sales must have clearly shown them that people prefer the connected versions. Then as the WiFi technology became more affordable it makes sense they would upgrade to that and offer it. Also, continuing to produce a less-functional version, likely at the same price

If they used to offer it, and now they don’t, their sales must have clearly shown them that people prefer the

The issue is your original comment was “They should just sell a version without the connectivity.” This suggests they should now, at this point, design and develop an alternative version lacking a feature that is likely built-in to their current board. As Robzilla pointed out, that would actually cause a cost

The issue is your original comment was “They should just sell a version without the connectivity.” This suggests

The only reason for the app at all is if you want it to notify you when a timer is up or when it gets to temp, etc. You can also look up recipes and set the temp with one button press of the app. You definitely don’t have to use it, and it serves no other real purpose. I like to use it just to know when the water

The only reason for the app at all is if you want it to notify you when a timer is up or when it gets to temp, etc.

It’s already been answered, but I wanted to add that the higher the heat for searing the better. You don’t want the heat to have time to affect the rest of the meat, only the outside. Saw a nice video guest starring Adam Savage (of Mythbusters fame) where they tried several ways to sear, and the best way was actually

It’s already been answered, but I wanted to add that the higher the heat for searing the better. You don’t want the

I love mine as well, awesome machine.

I love mine as well, awesome machine.

I had to go back and find it, because I had missed the caption, but I loved Badger, Badger, Badger.

I had actually forgotten both about that AND about their DVD service even existing. Likely thanks TO the Qwikster thing, to be honest. Them doing that kind of solidified “Netflix” and “Streaming” becoming synonymous in my mind.

Thank god for this. Ordering by good reviews always jumps things with 5-8 reviews up to the top, all 5-star bots, and those are not the products I’m looking for!

I know this feeling all too well.

I like that solution a LOT, honestly. Simply unplugging it when not in use/no visitors.

That’s a great example.