It's pretty clear at this point that Robin and Paula have some sort of agreement.
It's pretty clear at this point that Robin and Paula have some sort of agreement.
It's just click bait. Her skin doesn't look lighter, it just holds a different tone against the very white background when the photo is balanced and edited to show the details of her features, the dress, makeup, etc. But everything is RACISM on here sometimes.
The angry, judgmental comments on this thread are upsetting. But I think there's something interesting if you read them a little deeper.
"Just because you don't think it's problematic doesn't mean it's not."
In the a feminist sphere, telling someone she's slut-shaming has mutated into a method of dismissing her argument without engaging with it on any level, of taking issue with her tone and refusing to hear the content.
I love the theme song.
I even took the time to write out the lyrics if anyone is interested.
But, you don't hate animals, right? Most people don't. So, why punish them? It doesn't actually affect PETA at all if you eat twice as much meat because of them. I actually am eating a little meat right now (I was vegan like a month ago) so I'm not trying to preach at all, I'm just annoyed by the anti-PETA vitriol…
I really hate the comments on Jezebel PETA articles. I still read them though, every time...
It continues to blow my mind that a website dedicated to feminism consistently engages in anti anti-animal cruelty rhetoric. I'm a vegan. And I do not support the crazy shit that PETA does. But there are many many many many many paralells between systemic violence against women and systemic violence against animals-…
I understand there is no value in fat shaming, and I understand that our bodies are to do with what we will. On the other hand, obesity is a real public health situation, and the average American diet is terrible. I do not place the blame for that on individual people, and I don't think that obesity is women's problem…
This is such an astoundingly petty comment. This woman does more in a year for other people than you or others will likely do in your whole lives, and you're nitpicking her comment? Seriously? To say nothing of the fact that she's clearly reflecting on the frighteningly arbitrary nature of life - an arbitrariness that…
If he destroys their stuff and the accompanying sense of ownership of one's life, maybe they'll stop being so lazy and get a job.
Sweet Jesus. I'm a straight dude, but nobody's THAT straight.
Who do you think straight, white dudes are more likely to listen to? Probably someone just like them. I don't get why you're hating on Macklemore for trying to use his straight, white, dudeness for something good.
I think it's a really obvious parody and its meaning is clear. Macklemore may be a privileged white straight male, but he readily acknowledges it and tries to speak out for the opressed as much as he can. Yes, opressed people need to speak up for themselves as well, but Lord, there is nothing wrong with the…
I just do NOT get the Macklemore hatred. Yes, he is a straight, white man who tries to use his influence to bring about social change. We get it - he is privileged! But, I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of other influential musicians, actors, etc. out there with very similar backgrounds as Macklemore's who are…
I feel so thick. Premier Soccer League? Puşcă Semiautomată cu Lunetă? Paris Sciences et Lettres? Patersons Securities Limited? Project Space Leeds? Private Storyline? Port Saint Lucie?
I prefer the mellowcreme pumpkins, but candy corn will do.
Omg. I watched this a little while ago on YouTube. Sometimes I go on sprees where I watch cyst removals, ear wax extraction, etc. I know I'm not the only who enjoys this type of shit because there are millions of views on these videos. So I'm not ashamed.