
That doesn’t make the proposed legislation any more acceptable.

You’d think it would be that simple and logical, but there are whole bunch of mouthbreathers out there who think that consent to sex is consent to pregnancy and parenthood, but only for the uterus-haver in the scenario.

Yeah, this isn’t a groundbreakingly different idea. I ‘member using a LOT of generic foodstuff as a kid!

This crew was worried enough about it to crack multiple bottles of wine over the head of the guy trying to open the door. I’m going to go with the people who were actually there and experiencing this shitshow firsthand, thanks.

Then take it up with the FBI affidavit that states otherwise.

The article says the plane wasn’t at cruising altitude, therefore it would’ve been possible to open the door and fuck shit up even more.

I could barely get through one episode of SV. I kept thinking, “Why would anyone care about a bunch of clueless dudes? THAT’S EVERY FUCKING DAY.” It’s the worst documentary ever.

I wish it was available on Kindle. But it can be gotten for cheap on Amazon through 3rd party sellers, at least.

Replace Greta van Stustern or whatever the fuck her name is along with Meg Kelly with hosts such as Joy Reid on MSNBC. People don’t need yet more “conservative” viewpoints; they want to hear actual progressive voices. And Joy is fucking awesome.

She can go fuck herself over the white Santa bullshit, and if she actually wanted viewers, she could’ve used Dolt45's insult of her to her advantage by not kissing his orange ass when she interviewed him.

She’s a fucking asshole, best I can tell.

That’s your choice to make, and it was a choice I made for myself as well. But that’s the point: we were able to make that decision for ourselves without the government dictating that.

As for the GOP, they sure talk a lot about being “prolife” without actually supporting those lives.

Maybe take up the issue with a state who won’t support children, but isn’t that keen on accurate, comprehensive sex education along with easy and affordable access to all types of contraception.

Having kids isn’t just for rich people. When government gets into deciding who should have children or not, that government

I second this. LAX is almost as much of an embarrassment to the US as the current president.

Ha, yes, I got known pretty quickly for being not-as-old as everyone else, but hey! I’m just there to work out, so I kept away from the folks who wanted to socialize more than work and had a great time!

Sidetrack: water aerobics classes are fucking awesome, and I’m surprised younger people tend to stay away from them.

And you’re so right about the older women giving absolutely zero shits about being naked in the locker room being inspiring! WHO CAAAAAAAARES...except for vain, idiotic Playboy playmates, that is.

Why are you trying to move the goalposts of your little attempts at justifying bullshit?

Why should women actors have to self-fund when men don’t?

If the playing field were level to begin with, you’d have a point. Since it’s not, you don’t.

So it’s cool that inferior male actors can get their crap funded easier than a more talented female actor’s project? Why?

That’s a lot of words for you to declare what a self-involved asshole you are.