
You read a different article if that’s your takeaway.

YAWN. Why do you feel the need to defend the actions of assholes so much?

I’ve had my shit stolen before, and I didn’t have to resort to being an internet bully to the point of calling anyone “demonic” to get the theft stopped and atoned for.

I will do me, thankyouverymuch.

Because they acted like big fucking babies. Most artists don’t throw trumpster-fire tantrums when their work gets ripped off, they make a post comparing their work to the stolen work and hey! they usually get the result they want.

Leste sounds like a bunch of high schoolers trying to prove they’re relevant. This isn’t

It’d be nice if Cruz also got a punch in the face, but I might be digressing...

Survival instincts kicking in.

There are quite a few gifs of Cooper’s face out there because yes, he does react like that to men when they’re being as disingenuous.

You are correct that criticism of women in the Trumpster regime do get a lot of sexist shit thrown at them, but in this case? Nah.

I roll my eyes at allll of the bullshit related to the current administration, regardless of gender.

Frankly, I’m suspicious of anyone who doesn’t roll their eyes at all this flagrant lying.


The thought of women having and enjoying sex and not getting pregnant as a result makes them feel all oogy.

Because every job offers insurance? And what stupidity is it to even tie health insurance access to jobs to begin with.

So fucking stupid.

“Collapsed”? More like Congress never had the gonads to rein in health insurance and pharmaceutical companies overcharging for “care”, and when those companies weren’t making enough profit (and they’re still making money hand over fist), they were allowed to leave the exchanges. A GOP feature, btw.

For you to think

Your opinion is being dismissed out of hand because it’s out of line.

Uterus-havers don’t ever give up their bodily autonomy. It’s not up to you to decide whether a uterus-haver gets access to a legal medical procedure.

Which is the point of the article, since so many US states are busily legislating away access to a legal medical procedure.

Because it involved her goddam emails.

Ohhhh, I didn’t realize that you were a weak little woman-hater.

No uterus, no opinion, dipshit.

Please do!

Which is why they shouldn’t be forced to be pregnant against their will.

Adoption is an alternative to parenting, not pregnancy.

And there’s already a foster care system that needs to be severely overhauled so that kids that end up there and in limbo due to their biological families getting chance after chance to keep fucking up, can actually get adopted out into stable homes.

Adoption is an alternative to parenting, not to being pregnant.