I had to physically restrain myself from hitting him.
I had to physically restrain myself from hitting him.
The thing is? I don’t care how the office was decorated. I wouldn’t care if it was filled with pink glitter balloons and dancing giraffes in boas and false eyelashes doing choreographed routines to CNC Music Factory. What I care about was his stealing from his constituents for his little makeover. He is not only a…
I was a Warren supporter, and the Bernie trolls are actually a big part of why I’m leaning Biden now.
Everyone on the left owes a deal of gratitude to Warren for her live national television murders of nay-saying centrists and corrupt billionaires. Obviously, that is/was not her only great attribute and accomplishment of her campaign. I can list many more for paragraphs, but just wanted to highlight the above as one…
Yes I can see it. It’s all coming together mwahahaha- Tulsi Gabbard as she slowly turns in a revolving chair stroking a Persian Cat
Of course he want’s to run again. He saw that Mayor Pete’s orientation wasn’t all that big a deal, so he opened the closet door. Now the GOP gets their token gay, and they can say “See! We have a gay friend, so we can’t be homophobes.”
I don’t care about your military status -- you are correct.
Avocados and onions are not great for dogs, I’m told (disclaimer: I am not a vet). Many burritos contain both.
Yup-he “both sided” the gay marriage thing as though Democrats and Republicans have an equal share in discriminating against gay people. My eyes could not roll further back into my head.
Also, ‘you’re being intolerant by not being tolerant of my intolerance’. I can’t eyeroll hard enough at the log-cabin assholes hard enough. If you’re willing to throw the rest of the community under the bus because of your purse, then you’re not welcome in the community.
He seems to be couching his anti-gay views somewhere between “everybody else was doing it” and “it was a different time.”
Please note, the words "I'm sorry"never appear in his Declaration of Hypocrisy, I mean "Coming Out Announcement".
Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid or you just like playing stupid? The country is FUCKED. The broadcast media, print media, social media do NOT have a specific Dem, Independent, or Republican lane they stick in. The goddamned fucking Republicans are bragging about their influence enough so that Donna Brazile…
The delegate gap between Biden and Sanders is far from insurmountable.
While I agree with her and Bernie on most issues, my love for Warren and ambivalence towards Bernie highlights that Warren’s supporters may not readily gravitate to Sanders.
I’ve been a firm Warren supporter pretty much since she announced. I’m ideologically progressive and voted for Bernie in ‘16. I’ll likely vote for him again when the NY primary rolls around.