It’s been three years, no one curr.
It’s been three years, no one curr.
No worries!
I think the iron cross in biker circles was more of a “Hey, aren’t I cool” statement before it reverted back to its more Nazi meanings later on in some 1% circles.
And speaking of Banditos, how ‘bout them Vagos, for the LA crowd?
I’m not talking about shithead James. I’m talking about Bullock, whom people seem to think is as horrible as James. She’s not. Full stop.
I’m sorry that GOP people like them made you throw up and feel bad about yourself.
But seriously, well-played!
Yeah, when non-elected idiots like us can figure out how to say these things, it makes me wonder why the fuck the Democrats are still trying to pretend this isn’t a real problem.
And they all failed to recognize that the ACA was the GOP’s own plan to begin with. So yeah, racism and misogyny, ahoy!
In facebook comment threads, there are plenty of people pointing out that Medicaid reimbursements are what Planned Parenthood receives, along with hospitals and doctors who do not face this “defunding” idiocy.
Though you’re correct that it seems that not enough Democratic politicians and leaders along with other…
Things like the German helmets and Iron Cross imagery came back with the men who fought in WWII and went on to become counter-cultural biker statements with those men who chose that lifestyle.
JFC, no chance for personal growth in the past 12 years? Like, there’s shit you did that long ago that doesn’t look good on you now. There’s going to be shit twelve years from now that’s going to make you look like an asshole. Are you really sure you want to freeze someone you don’t even know into a time where they…
You need to be “showered with hate” to emphasize that you know that you’re still wrong?
You got issues, kid.
“It’s not about you.”
That’s the part I don’t get when people dig their heels in about referring to transfolks by the pronouns they prefer, as opposed to “society’s”.
Uh, what? I’m not the GOP who needs to “investigate” every piece of bullshit, including you. Sheesh, lighten up, Francis.
Huh, but you don’t say that to the asshole they’re replying to. Interesting.
No one said that, you’re being purposely obtuse.
You really think transpeople “chose” their gender?
Wow, your lack of understanding about what transpeople go through is astonishing.
Since Prescott Bush helped support Planned Parenthood in the 1940's, there might be the idea that the women in that family aren’t as braindead as some of the other men, hmmmm?
Prescott Bush helped support Planned Parenthood in the 1940's, so with that taken into account, it’s not that weird to think that Babs Jr. would support the organization as well.
“...we all have to participate and change it ourselves.”
Soooo, only the “coastal elites” give a shit about the oppression of just about everyone that’s happening right now to one degree or another, according to you.
And you want to ignore that for the stump-stupid that voted in Dolt 45?