
Apparently the Border Patrol is hiring. So far I think that’s the only “job creation” these fuckwits are attempting to do.

Paper bag over her head?

How about she comes out of her ivory tower and fucking DO SOMETHING for those kids directly, especially since she supported Dolt45 to begin with?

She’s always been an asshole, and apparently some things never change.

Yet another example of, “Dude, NO.”


Not enough attention paid to her from this site. Kids these days!

You should be praising Maher for having little Milo on his show.

You do realize that being fair is nowhere near the GOP’s goal, right? They don’t care about being hypocrites. They don’t care how much taxpayer money they’ve wasted. The only thing they care about?


They’ve won.

Until they start losing, they won’t change course at all.

My favorite comeback to the adoption option is: Adoption is an alternative to parenting, not pregnancy.

I’m an adoptee, and am ridiculously prochoice. NO ONE should ever be forced to gestate or terminate a pregnancy against their will.

Who voted against their best interests. And don’t care about you. I’m sorry that you’re fucked, but I’m still going to say “I told you so” to the idiots who brought this upon you.

Isn’t that what they want? Less federal government interference? Welp, they got it!

I would love to know if there’s a way to find out actual numbers on that!

Considering the amount of shitbag congresspeople who got voted right back in this past November, I have little faith in the voters actually getting rid of these fine, upstanding shitstains.

Which 40's? 1840's? 1740's? 40BC?

He’s following the GOP, so they’re not going to say shit.

I don’t understand how ciswomen talking about their own parts is a problem, especially when those parts get policed and legislated against SO GODDAM MUCH. It’s an act of protest to even mention them, ffs, yet there are people who are trying to silence those women by claiming they’re being erased or silenced

I compartmentalize this way: the Obama presidency was ok. Not great, and certainly not what it should’ve been. But the Obamas as people? Pretty fucking amazing.

Because bodily autonomy is a big deal. If you’re against the premise that people are able to make their own decisions about their own body, then that’s more than a mere disagreement, that’s going against the feminist aim of the march.

That’s why I’ll bring up both Romania and China as the extreme examples of what a government can do if they get into the pregnancy-deciding business, and it ends up badly with either extreme. A government that thinks it should determine whether someone should be pregnant or not against their will is an authoritarian

The GOP is overwhelming in its attack. Fuck “biting away” at everything, they’re doing a complete and total onslaught so that not everything can be caught.

Time is of the essence. You can fart around with creating a “new religion”, or you can go with the one that’s been successful on smaller scales in other fights of this nature already.