Most of the “do nothing” Congress got voted right back in, which is the bigger problem. For a country that claimed they wanted “change”, they didn’t apply that to the right branch of government.
Most of the “do nothing” Congress got voted right back in, which is the bigger problem. For a country that claimed they wanted “change”, they didn’t apply that to the right branch of government.
When I read your first comment, I also came to the conclusion that others did about you not knowing how famous the ol’ wire hanger option was. It took awhile for me to see where you were coming from, to be honest.
It would have been a lot more clear if the intent in your og comment was, “What was the process where she went from finding out she’s pregnant to trying to terminate the pregnancy with a hanger at home? Did she know she was pregnant earlier on? Did she have access to contraception or contraception advice through a…
Gerrymandering definitely has had an impact at the state level for Democrats. Unfortunately that was brought upon themselves partially when the Tea Party was swept into power in 2010 midterms, thanks to too many liberal voters sitting on their laurels after voting in the presidential election.
It just makes this a…
Bingo. Absolutely infuriating.
Part of it is distraction tactics. While half the population panics due to them possibly losing their bodily autonomy, the politicians are free to pass other heinous shit that is also bad for us, but doesn’t get the publicity because it may not be a “red meat” issue.
One of my fave retorts to the whole “fetal pain” bullshit is to ask why fetuses aren’t doped up when they’re born, since childbirth isn’t pain-free.
But is it your job to make sure there as as few fuckups as possible for a national magazine cover?
What gets me about Clinton going is that she’s still going despite that mango nightmare saying he’d lock her up.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that noise.
Can a Texas legislator add to that bill that describes just that? No, seriously, can they? Because Democrats need to stop playing nice and fucking DO SOMETHING about this bullshit.
Part of the problem is that all the major “news” outlets have been bought out by corporations, which has no use for covering actual important stories that include all the facts. Thanks so much, Telecommunications Act of 1996!
Trump can’t use notes or a teleprompter because he’s an illiterate fuckwad.
Democrats have been snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for decades now, for a variety of reasons.
How do you disarm the circular firing squad? I’m baffled as to how so many groups refuse to see that they have a common fight they can help each other with instead of harping on how they’re more oppressed than…
That quote has been popping up in my head just about every day since the November election.
I still think Dietrich wore it better, but Bjork is one of the most interesting modern performers, to be sure!
Ann and Cecile Richards.
Seriously, if these people cared about kids so damn much, how come these problems are still happening?!
Why stop there? Swollen ankles, water weight, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, pre-eclampsia, the whole fucking works. And apply that to self-loathing women who are holier-than-thou about forced gestation.
That’s advanced thinking. It usually boils down to them being aghast at the concept that women want to have sex and not be pregnant from the experience. Hence, they paint those who get abortions as “sluts”, because married women NEVER get abortions.